We're having our meeting/annual election this Wednesday 11/10.  If you enjoy the Major Taylor Trail and would like to contribute ideas and get involved in planning events and projects for next year, we'd like to hear from you.

Click here for meeting info.  I hope to see you there.

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Our monthly meeting/annual election is tonight - Wed. 10/16.  Please join us to discuss upcoming events and get involved.

We've got 2 events on the calendar this month: a tree planting workday on 11/16 and meeting on 11/20. Please join us!

I hope a bunch of you will be there for next Saturday's tree planting.

Anne Alt said:

We've got 2 events on the calendar this month: a tree planting workday on 11/16 and meeting on 11/20. Please join us!

The weather forecast is looking reasonable for tomorrow morning. 

I hope you can come out to help us plant trees!

Thanks to everyone who came out to help today. We planted 47 trees of 13 different species: bur oak, red oak, Chinkapin oak, Hill's oak, catalpa, black walnut, black cherry, hackberry, ironwood, Kentucky coffee tree, magnolia, hickory and hornbeam.

We had help from TreeKeepers, Greencorps, Major Taylor Cycling Club Chicago, several folks from Riverdale and several who live in West Pullman near the trail.

Anne, what a wonderful thing you are going. I promise that one day I'll be there to help. Very glad to hear that you got a good turnout and that there are good folks going important things!

Ken - Whether it's for a workday or a ride, we're always happy to see you there.

Please join us tonight for our last monthly meeting of the year.  We'd like to have your input in our annual election, wrap-up discussion for this year and planning for next year.  Everyone is welcome.

We're in an upstairs room. Look for signs.

We're having a social ride tomorrow in honor of Major Taylor's birthday - and it ends with PIE. Join us!

Our next meeting is happening on Wed. 2/19 at Ridge Park.  Click here for info.  If you're interested in learning more about the trail, helping to promote its use and planning events and projects, please join us!  Anyone is welcome.

We're having a meeting tonight - info is here.  We've got some exciting project and event ideas to discuss. Please join us.


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