The Chainlink

So, I needed to cross the loop and get to N Michigan avenue during Friday rush hour traffic. As an owner of several bikes, my initial thought was to lament not having mine with me. But, I would just get my suit dirty, I reasoned.

Then it hit me. Those blue bikes have chain guards and are relatively easy to snag and return. I also reasoned that I could cover the cost of the annual membership by saved el fare to the car rental place (during work hours) or other short trips to lunch, etc. I would be ahead in short order.

I registered and went and hopped on a bike. It was really neat riding in a suit. I felt a little civilized. It felt like what I imagined those Europeans in bike-centric cities would feel and look like; shades on, upright riding position, not in a blazing hurry. 

I am a fan. I hope they make it through the winter.

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Yes!  They are perfect for going to lunch in a skirt, too!  

Wait wait, are they going to be available in the winter?!

Morgan 6 mi said:

I am a fan. I hope they make it through the winter.

Yes.  They've tweeted about that.  They may scale down the fleet, but they'll still be available.

I'm a committed year-round bike commuter and I bought a Divvy membership too.  I may even use Divvy more in the winter to save some wear on my bike.  

Its already come in handy. Once when my tire was flat as I was leaving for a concert. Rather than spend the time and get dirty, I just Divvy'd to the concert.  Another time I had to leave my bike in the shop for repairs and used Divvy to get back to the office, and back to the shop that evening.

Tricolor said:

Wait wait, are they going to be available in the winter?!

Morgan 6 mi said:

I am a fan. I hope they make it through the winter.

Yes, I am thinking that I might use it more in the winter since I am blessed to have a station a half block from my house and just outside my office.  Those tanks might be better in the snow than my bikes!

I also signed up mostly just to support the system. Lo and behold, I am riding it twice a day. Why do I use Divvy rather than my own bike? I have no idea. I just really love it. :D


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