
Seeing way, way more cyclists than any past year on my local rides lately (it's almost getting to be like riding on Milwaukee* 'round these parts), but none of you seem to have bells.

That is wrong.


(*at 3 a.m. on a January night)

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I added a bell to my new bike but only seem to use it going through the tunnel at North Avenue.  Wait until you have space to pass without having to make your presence known.  I guess I've just seen too many aggressive riders this summer that try to shout through heavy traffic along the lake and get all upset and ride more dangerously when the Red Sea doesn't part for them.

Now something that passively announces your presence, like sleigh bells or the ones the ice cream carts have would be pretty nice.  Maybe some sleigh bells for riding in December are in order...

You haven't been to the Santa Rampage have you?

Hello Scarlett said:

hear hear

Tricolor said:

Maybe some sleigh bells for riding in December are in order...

I would like to nominate "Hello Scarlett" for best screen name ever.


h' 1.0 said:

I would like to nominate "Hello Scarlett" for best screen name ever.

Damn it, I forgot to put my bell back on last night!


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