Chicago bike sharing will be known as Divvy, be Chicago flag blue

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I also found the app Chicago Bike from webcomrades that appears to have Divvy integration.  They're still not showing any available bikes (but there's lot of open docking spaces available).

Has anyone been able to confirm whether your key needs to be activated for the Pre-Launch ride this evening?  I emailed (and just tweeted) them but haven't heard back yet.

Following up on my own post.....  I just heard from Elliott at Divvy that we do NOT need to activate our keys prior to this evenings pre-launch ride.  

well, look at what we have here....Quick, somebody get that bike on State & Randolph before it is gone....

It's actually there! Now I just need to get my fob working so I can take it for a spin...

Duppie 13.5185km said:

well, look at what we have here....Quick, somebody get that bike on State & Randolph before it is gone....

You may be able to make history. Even before all us smugsters get to ride a bike tonight, you get to check out the very first Divvy ever!

Arup Sarma said:

It's actually there! Now I just need to get my fob working so I can take it for a spin...

Duppie 13.5185km said:

well, look at what we have here....Quick, somebody get that bike on State & Randolph before it is gone....

I think they are all going to be out there soon...


Max said:

I think they are all going to be out there soon...

Woot Woot!! I think I just saw the Harrison/State station get installed via the app - it went from a X to 0 a few minutes ago. There's another bike that just popped up as available at Roosevelt/Halsted. I can't wait!!

Thats a lot of bikes!

I wish it still looked that sunny out there.  I may watch from my office and see if it clears up.  I'm not prepared for rain.

Max said:

Thats a lot of bikes!

I am not prepared for rain either but may just have to get wet...

Finally got the right feed so can now not only find the stations nearest you (and give directions, etc), but shows which stations actually exist (75 right now), and how many bikes there are at each.  Right this second, data says still just the one at the one ;) - Free, no installation, works on any smartphone or PC.
Hoping to see some on tomorrow's mass!


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