Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I was on the LFP this morning--hope it was not too crowded for you.  And I wish I had remembered the market.  I would have left earlier so I could stop.

Ridiculously awesome this am! Lots o bikes on 18th after halsted til Ashland. Felt lonely on Western and Ogden.

Finally had a chance to ride from the office in Glenview back home to Chicago. 16 miles one way, but didn't feel like it at all. I had the absolute pleasure of taking in the sights and sounds of bucolic glenview road. 

Yeah I rode today.  I rode my 3 speed to Ralph H. Metcalfe Federal Building at 77 W Jackson Blvd.  I locked my bike to the bike rack on the sidewalk outside the door and went inside.  At the the security desk they escorted me back outside since my bike had a bike bag.  The guard searched my bike bag and said do not park there again with a bike bag.  It is a small bag that sits on my rear rack.  I carry a mini U lock because a regular size U-lock will not fit.

  After my inspected bike, I did the keys, belt, cell phone, computer in the plastic bin xray beeping archway thing and got in.   A few hours and three waiting periods later I completed my social security with medicare plan B.  I will be officially retired June 4th.  I hope you also can ride your bike to and beyond retirement.  

Rain's coming today.  If it's dry tomorrow I'll have biked four days out of five and will be fine with that.

I rode today.  My occasional riding buddy here at work thinks I'm nuts.

Why? Because it is supposed to rain later?  Forecast keeps changing hourly, as usual!

It was a really nice ride this morning, and I packed the rain pants just in case.
Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

I rode today.  My occasional riding buddy here at work thinks I'm nuts.

I never trust the forecast.  I look at the radar and make a best guess from there.

Another (though far too late) indicator is the absence of the Touch and Go Chess Party over by the Art Institute.

Yesterday Chicago to Park Forrest (35 miles)

and back today. Sore


Well I got wet riding back from the Ride of Silence awareness event at Heritage, but at least there were no thunderstorms. ;-)


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