The lake front trail is notable for all the things it DOESN'T have yet

-those retarded quad-barges


-rent-a-bike bikers




All it did have was people who knew what they were doing: thermals, layers, covering distance.  All the rest of the trail cloggers will show in time but for a bit here just serious business at decent speeds and it's beautiful.


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Haddon said:

For attitude, proper meme deployment and technical ability I would like to inform the world I now have an insane crush on Jennifer on the Lake.


Jennifer on the lake said:

Thank you for re-posting that footage. Perhaps I have evil in my heart, but I love watching that runner ( at :38) get blasted twice. Whoomp! there it is!

Tricolor said:

Haddon said:

but forgot to include:

-the fucking air and water show

[which has a special place in my hateful heart since every year I get to the that stretch north of Navy Pier (I call it the velodrome since it's at a tilt and its one of the places you can go full on) and it's slammed and I realize my ride is shot)]

Oh, you're one of *those* guys. Heh.

Other than the air and water show and a few weekend charity run/walk events even on the worst days it's better than the streets.

Except maybe these days:

Or this day:

I remember watching that over and over again with my wife. Yes, we are are terrible people.

I can laugh because I rode through Oak Street around six that evening and while I didn't get soaked I did experience enough water to bring my to a full stop.  It was a weird feeling, for sure.  The trick I've learned is to not be too close to the wall.

"You kids better stay away from my bins" :)

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

If you want to really enjoy the LFP, even in the height of summer, ride between 5:00am and 7:00am.  You'll still get a handful of dopey cross-the-path-without-looking runners, sunrise gazers, and early morning walkers, but you'll avoid the kids and much of the seasonal stuff.


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