Discussion and planning thread for heart shaped bicycle routes in Chicago.

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that's so awesome.

Good NPR article on the San Francisco one.  Looks like a big production with camera crew (was turned it into a Android commercial).  His had many stair-steps, 27 miles.  I'm thinking shorter, using diagonals, and of course broadcast on MassUp.

love it

I think I've done what can be done with Northside options.
There are 8, 14 and 19 miles variations.  The smallest looses form, and the large one requires some big non-bike streets.  Leaving the middle one (blue), which still one might not recognize unless told.  This took hours, due to one-ways, and trying to imply the angles and curves.  I also reviewed other orientation options. I'm going to call this done, for a future northside mass.

Use the live Google Maps version at http://goo.gl/maps/sSp7Z

Cool idea, but why limit yourself? Consider kidneys, livers, or really go crazy with intestines.

I'm planning to lead a heart shaped ride today for the North Side Critical Mass, Friday 2013.07.12. Leaves Clark/Thorndale/Ridge after 7pm.  14 miles round-trip. Forecast says low 70s, clear and still.


Details, cues, catch-up, etc: http://massup.us

For archival purposes, here's the original intro and image that seeded this thread. I'd like to eventually get back to the downtown one:
Brainstorming on heart shaped routes for Chicago social rides. Inspired by Valentine's Day and one done in San Francisco. I've thrown together two based on the northside and downtown critical mass launch points. Feedback, refinements, overhaul, interested parties welcome. http://goo.gl/maps/SVnHh

North Side Critical Mass rode the 14 mile north side version so nicely that I've made a web page for it. For the final flyer, plot of actual ride, my thoughts, links etc: http://bedno.com/heartride

Updated link to planning for future downtown critical mass version:


That long stretch down Milwaukee is about 2-1/2 miles.

The stretch along Ogden is about 3 miles.

These long stretches, without any turns will weaken the mass.  There should be a turn every 1/4 to 1/2 miles to keep the mass together.  The long stretch down State Street and across Roosvelt in the August un-mapped ride divided up the mass and almost turned it into a disaster.

I hear ya Bob.  And good feedback.  I had to treat this as a special case though to get the angled streets in.  But to make that compromise we'll have to pay SPECIAL attention to max speed and massing at lights.  Thanks.


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