I have to go meet up with my buddy from Portland at 5 PM. He's arriving at Union Station, and I was wondering what the best route from my place in Edgewater to the train terminal might be. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Coming over from the Lakefront Path to Union Station at rush hour is going to be nice and crowded no matter how you cut it.

From looking at the city bike map, Randolph over to Clinton looks like the most legally direct route.
Thanks Ryan! I was just consulting my handy-dandy bike map, and that route definitely looks to be my best bet.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Coming over from the Lakefront Path to Union Station at rush hour is going to be nice and crowded no matter how you cut it.

From looking at the city bike map, Randolph over to Clinton looks like the most legally direct route.
Take the slingshot..If you guys are street hard riders, you can do what a courier would do working the streets... at grand take lower LSD to lower Wacker and then hop up on to upper Wacker at Monroe, then take Adams to Canal. For sure the fastest, and also legal. Intimidating at first, but fast and fun.


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