The Chainlink

Nice first ride in the COLD.


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For more bike commute photos from today when the wind was from the west, south, north and east and sometimes all at once, click here.

Temperature was pleasant this morning, and aside from a few gusts, the wind was not as bad at they made it out to be.

Bone dry today, and mild temps,  but crazy winds from the west and from the south. Condolences to anyone who had to ride in either direction.  I actually had to hold my bike with my foot while trying to lock up to keep it from being blown away by the wind.

Yeah, my ride NW this morning was rough. I toughed it as much as I could in my biggest cog. Finally I gave up and switched to my granny chainring. 

At this point, I'm hoping that the wind doesn't shift. My ride home is all east-bound and if this wind keeps up, I may set land speed records :D

I rode from my bf's, near Belmont and Milwaukee, to Wacker Drive. The wind gusts were powerful. 

Proud of riding there, but also happy to take my bike on the Red Line to head home (instead of riding for an hour by the lake in the wind going north). (I got a kick out of all the well-meaning men at CTA giving me concerned looks and offering to help me carry my bike, as if I were a damsel in distress.) 

Rode in for the first time in about a month this morning.  There were several places on LFT near Ardmore where snow melt had frozen clear across the path.  Other than that, LFT between Ardmore and La Salle was fine.  Only saw a couple other bikes.

saw so many people this morning. such a change from a month ago.

For the first time since January 29th, and boy did I feel out of shape. Won't stop me from biking the rest of the week, though.

Clark, SouthPo, Lincoln, Wells, and Dearborn for me today. Saw at least a half dozen other cyclist out ther.

Looks like we *might* have some good dry weather for a while.

For more bike ride photos from today, click here.

I rode in Dunwoody Georgia this morning!  Is that cheating?  Temperature about 50 and they have HILLS here.  Managed about seven miles on lovely streets.

I'm sorry you won't be here for our CCC meeting, but glad to hear that you're having fun.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

I rode in Dunwoody Georgia this morning!  Is that cheating?  Temperature about 50 and they have HILLS here.  Managed about seven miles on lovely streets.


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