I am very proud to say I made my yearly goal today: a personal best of 8400 miles since Jan 1.  That's 2000+ miles more than last year.  I'm about to turn 47, I'm in my eighth year of serious riding and I've increased my miles each of the last four years I've been keeping track.


The crazy warm spring and record span of no-snow days certainly helped this year, but the three hour rides after work I've been doing the last two months went a long way too.


How about you?  Are you keeping track?

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I'll go over 4400 miles on the commute home tonight, my goal at the beginning of the year was 5000 so I think I'll be a bit short by year's end. Still not bad for an old man of 55.

my goal was 5000 miles for the year and i only have 182 to go, it has been a great year

Kudos to both of you ^^.


I took this year pretty seriously, so I had a goal of 5000 miles, commuting every dry day over 20 degrees F, and doing at least one race. 


Next year, I intend to match this years actual mileage (>6000) and actually train for racing.

Great job!  Keep checking in with your progress.  For me, this year really took off during that 80 degree stretch in March.  I felt super-charged.  On every ride, at every opportunity to turn and start back home, I always wanted to go further. 

Of course at the end of year when the cold started creeping in, it was more like at every opportunity to turn and head home I had to keep repeating my mantra that every extra mile I ride now is one I won't have to when the snow and the real cold comes.

Gopher Biker,

I am so impressed with your mileage! (I am in the same age category.58) I thought I was doing good with 1000 miles this year. ( I am NOT a bike commuter.) I just started biking again 2 years ago. My goal next year is 1500 miles. Maybe I will see you along the lakefront path!!
Keep up that FANTASTIC pace.

Gopher Biker said:

I'll go over 4400 miles on the commute home tonight, my goal at the beginning of the year was 5000 so I think I'll be a bit short by year's end. Still not bad for an old man of 55.

My goals were for the year were to ride more miles than last year, do at least one gravel grinder and a century. Did two gravel grinders, no century. I don't know my mileage yet (I'm guessing 4500 - 5000), as I don't have computers on any of my bikes. I've been using the highly advanced mileage-logging method of writing each day's trip down on yellow sticky notes, to be compiled at the end of the year.

My goal this year was 1200 miles and a century. I am at 1400 right now and did my first century in June :-D

My yearly goal is to not die.

So far I'm doing pretty well.

About ten years ago, after many years of casual not-keeping-track riding, I set a goal of 1,000 miles by Labor Day. Took me till the end of that year to do so, but I made it.  The my sweetheart moved from relatively close to me (Rogers Park to Jefferson Park) to far away (Rogers Park to Evergreen Park) and I set out to do many more miles in part due to necessity.  One year (three years ago) I made 5,000 my goal and just barely made it--but at that point I felt like the artificial goal was more important than the experience of riding, so I stopped setting goals other than to get as many miles as are safe and smart and do-able in, and I hit 4,000 miles last week.  In summer, I like 100+ miles per week, in cold 50 is fine.  Either way, it's about the experience, not just the mileage.

8,400 miles is epic! I don't keep very close track of my mileage, but I'll probably end up over 3,000 miles this year, give or take. I ride about 80 miles per week just to work, but some weeks I take off a day.

I opened the year hoping/expecting to ride 1000 miles. Unless something goes dramatically wrong, I will finish with 3000, and a homemade metric century. Next year, 4000 miles, and practice changing my own tires.

I used to make yearly mileage goals, but stopped. Actually, I stopped logging mileage altogether since it seemed like I was on the bike a lot as it was. This year, my goal was to ride as much as possible, and I sure did. I managed to bang out 3 centuries, a handful of 75 milers and some other fun rides as well. For next year, my goal is to complete as many brevets as possible. I'm feeling fairly confident in myself and hopeful that I will accomplish it.


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