The Chainlink

Hey you.... out there in the cold.... are you on Chainlink?

Kind of missing a "who did you see on your commute" today but for people you are not able to identify.  So here goes. I know you nord' sidersss are swimming in random strangers on bikes, but where I live it's not quite a daily occurrence to see another cyclist on my way to/from work.

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Hardly saw anyone this morning!

I saw very few bikes on the Van Buren St. bike racks this a.m. and those racks are always full in warm weather.

Well, I saw a few people on Halsted (I was going from Madison going south) waved at all of them, (except the turd dressed all in black with silver headphones - The Dr. Dre Beats ones) that sped past me while I was trying to avoid a dooring incident. He was riding some kind of "road" bike (that was squealing at the cranks) with the "ram horn" handle bars turned up. He was wearing some kind of "puffy" coat. I noticed all of that because he swiped my elbow with his as he went by.

Anyway, will still keep waving to everyone I see.

I am the guy with the goggles, black "skater"-style helmet, on a silver & black Schwinn Frontier, with a Topeak trunk. I try to go fast, but I am a heavy mofo, on my "Beast".

Say Hi, if you wish. I sure will give you a greeting.



I tried to word the intro to this thread such that the intent would be clear, and it wouldn't turn into yet another bitchfest about other cyclists.... apparently my communication skills aren't up to the task.

saw a guy on 18th wearing a neon green balaclava.  i've been seeing lots of people wearing those thick knit sweater ones. i'd wear one if it didn't cause my glasses to fog up.

There was a more than a few on Milwaukee this morning around 8 AM.   I got to wear my smart wool glove liners for the first time this morning, work like a charm.  

i saw quite a few people on damen and milwaukee this morning, counted 25 in all on my way in.

Everybody must be taking the main roads.  I saw no one on Augusta or Noble or Hubbard.

I need more Chainlink stickers to pass out during my commute

There are CHainlink stickers ?

May I please have one ?

Donate $10

Manny Fuentes said:

There are CHainlink stickers ?

May I please have one ?

I saw another bike commuter tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!

Northbound on California at Cermak sometime around 5 I think. Road bike or fixie.... was it you?


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