For everyone to post about their Lost & Founds

On my ride today just after 5pm I picked up a bike lock key, rear bike light and a bike computer off of the protected bike lane. I am guessing that you either left your saddle pouch open or got in an accident. If you have the lock for the key, then I know they belong to you.

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Which protected bike lane?  And where?

It was Kinzie & Franklin, IN the protected bike lane on Kinzie.

Lost on 1/16 at Kinzie/Clark: Plaid Joseph A. Bank Scarf

Did anyone happen to spot the glove I lost at Daley Plaza last night?

I rode from Hyde Park to downtown on the LFP this morning... three times. Turns out when I arrived at my office, I realized my shoes had fallen off my rear rack. I backtracked to Hyde Park and back and had no luck finding my shoes.

Anyone on here pick up a white canvas Chrome shoe bag with leather shoes in them this morning? I'm sick that I lost these and can offer a reward for their return. I was on the Lake Front Path from Hyde Park to Grand Ave downtown. I rode a few blocks west on Grand before I realized they were gone. My trip was from 7am to 8am on 01/14/2014.

Hi Ryan,

While riding to work this am, I saw someone hang your shoe bag on a sign at McCormick around 7:45am. Just read your post, so I rode during lunch to see if they were still there. They were! Call me at 312.665.7652 to arrange for pick up.



Ryan Stahlman said:

I rode from Hyde Park to downtown on the LFP this morning... three times. Turns out when I arrived at my office, I realized my shoes had fallen off my rear rack. I backtracked to Hyde Park and back and had no luck finding my shoes.

Anyone on here pick up a white canvas Chrome shoe bag with leather shoes in them this morning? I'm sick that I lost these and can offer a reward for their return. I was on the Lake Front Path from Hyde Park to Grand Ave downtown. I rode a few blocks west on Grand before I realized they were gone. My trip was from 7am to 8am on 01/14/2014.

Hurray for lost & found!


Thank you so much. You really made my day!


Is this an ongoing chain? Well, going to try my luck.

Lost lanyard & keys on Clark 2/20 in Andersonville

My keys with an orange lanyard fell off my bike (or my person) on Clark somewhere between Carmen and Catalpa around 5pm on 2/20. 

If found, would very much appreciate being contacted.

i dropped my glasses out of my pocket tonight. Clear Raybans with a grey faded frame. I think they are near Augusta on Milwaukee ave...

If anyone sees them, even if they are broken, please let me know!

Found a ULock today on the ride home, 6ish or so. It was on Northbound Milwaukee, where the overpass for 90 is. It could have been there a few hours, but not a day. 

If nobody claims it(with a key) I'm tossing it in recycling next week. I hope the owner claims it, I'll even go meet people, just so someone doesn't have to spend $50+

U-Lock Bump.


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