From a friend:
I have a quick question on Bike Racks.  I would like to purchase a bike rack for our Subaru Forester, I do not want to add a hitch.  Also I only need a rack that holds two bikes.
Do you any suggestions on a model or a store where we should buy it.  I think Subaru might make one but I would rather give the business to a locally owned bike shop.
(I think he lives in Rogers Park, fyi)

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Pick up one of these mirror-hangers while they are at it.

The bikes they save might be their own!

not locally owned, but a great store : REI Lincoln Park.

You can browse the carriers at then start looking locally.  If your friends have a relationship with any of the dealerships they may get a discount or price match from the parts department.

Have him check at Ten27 {turin} they should have them in stock, if the car has factory roof rack on it he will just need rails and a locking kit. He could also use a saris bones set up on his hatchback and keep it off the car when not in  use.


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