So, I lost my sh*t on 2 cabbies using Kinzie Protected Bike Lane as a Taxi Stand today

because I almost got doored.....wait for it.... by a cab sitting in the middle of a protected bike lane. I confronted the one cabbie and he wouldn't move so, yeah, if you saw a really angry, yelling guy on Kinzie, that was me. I took the cab drivers photo and told him I was sending it to Yellow Cab. He took off and another cab pulled up literally where the other cab had just left. Signs need to be posted mentioning fines for parking in bike lanes...the one cabbie kept saying: "so where do you want me to park" I was so pissed all I could say was "not in the bike lane". Sorry had to vent, I'm sure I didn't win any points for the bike community either...

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This happened to me this weekend on Kinzie. He was delivering pastries to the Donut Vault. The two cyclists went around to the left, into traffic and squeezing in front of the limo.

I rode up to him, stopped my bike and said, "Sir, can you please close your door and move your car." He told me to go around. I said, "Do you know you're putting us in danger when you park in the bike lane?" He protested that he was just there a minute, so I repeated, "Do you know you're putting us in danger..."

He grabbed his pastries, closed the door and made the delivery instead of standing there. 

I really was polite. Trust me, I'd flipped off and yelled at a cabbie earlier for honking at my when I was crossing Michigan, so I know when I've got road rage vs when I'm using former-RA language.

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.

Well, that sounds like an entirely unfair accusation.

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.

In its effect on drivers, is what Adam did much different than Critical Mass?

notoriousDUG said:

I was going to let all this go and ignore it but this statement really irks me and I really need to point something out to you:

Forcing cars to follow you at a slow speed for that length is not only selfish and rude but it is also dangerous, and not just for you.  When you force a car to sit behind you and impede there progress like that they are getting frustrated and angry back there.  Frustration and anger often lead to rash decisions and reckless behavior, things like passing to close to a cyclist.  Once past you that rage and anger may not fade quickly and cause that driver to be aggressive to other cyclists.

Blocking traffic like you did was a rude and ignorant thing to do, it made an unsafe condition for everyone and you justified it by claiming it was for the sake of safety.  Maybe you really believed that at the time, maybe you are even dense enough to still think that but it does not change the fact that is an excuse for you doing something really obnoxious; just like the women you had an altercation with probably had what they thought was a really good reason for their selfishness...

Adam Herstein said:

The main difference being that I was doing what I did for safety reasons, and the women who parked in the bike lane acted out of laziness.

NYC said:

Try this:


"The other day I had an altercation with this slow ass biker who thought it was okay to block traffic during rush hour for 2 miles.  The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care."

So you think it is OK to get into an altercation with these women, while you wouldn't do that if there were two males in that car? I call that bullying. If you think that behavior is cool, I suggest you try to explain to a  woman. I wish you good luck.

Daniel G said:

You want to call out this young, meek-looking cyclist as some kind of predator?

Fine, defend your mean bullshit accusation. Two grown women (or two second-grade girls) in a two-ton Escalade could stomp a battalion of cyclists without breaking a sweat. One of the very important points that we observe on this forum is that when you are in an automobile, you are in a position of power. When you're on a bike, you are in a position of weakness. This important and unavoidable relationship easily, easily supersedes whatever tenuous gender-dynamic you were trying to tease out of Adam's run-in.

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.

I don't think I've read where he said he wouldn't have done it if it was men?

Duppie said:

So you think it is OK to get into an altercation with these women, while you wouldn't do that if there were two males in that car? I call that bullying. If you think that behavior is cool, I suggest you try to explain to a  woman. I wish you good luck.

Are you kidding me? Why are you accusing me of being sexist/racist? Where is this coming from?

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.

Duppie likes to try and see if he can get people worked up...

Adam Herstein said:

Are you kidding me? Why are you accusing me of being sexist/racist? Where is this coming from?

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.


Juan said:

Duppie likes to try and see if he can get people worked up...

Adam Herstein said:

Are you kidding me? Why are you accusing me of being sexist/racist? Where is this coming from?

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.

So I take the answer to my first two questions to be a No?

Adam Herstein said:

Are you kidding me? Why are you accusing me of being sexist/racist? Where is this coming from?

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.

Absolutely not. I am refusing to answer your question due to it being completely unwarranted and unnecessarily accusatory.

Duppie said:

So I take the answer to my first two questions to be a No?

Adam Herstein said:

Are you kidding me? Why are you accusing me of being sexist/racist? Where is this coming from?

Duppie said:

Would you have had an altercation if there had been two African American males in that Escalade? How about if they were two white guys? Seems like you pick on the weak, no?

Adam Herstein said:

I once had an altercation with two women who thought it was okay to park their Escalade in the Kinzie St. protected bike lane. The problem is that people like this don't believe that are doing anything wrong, or if they do, they simply don't care.


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