Give Feedback on Broadway, Montrose and Sheridan Intersection

How do you Heal A Broken Intersection? Streets are undervalued public spaces that if programmed with creativity, can transform dangerous intersections into lively plazas. In Uptown, not everyone lives near a park, but everyone lives on a street.

Can you imagine reclaiming the intersection of Broadway, Montrose, and Sheridan (the intersection with the highest crash rate in the 46th Ward) to be a space with greenery, coffee stands, and hula hooping?

Bike Uptown has developed a draft rendering of the intersection that re-enlivens it to make way for people by improving safety and harnessing its potential as a gateway to Uptown. Our advisory group has been working with Alderman Cappleman, the Chicago Department of Transportation and other interested parties to make the space calmer, less confusing and as hazard-free as possible for all users.

The design presented is not final, but a suggestion to activate the discussion and get positive changes to the intersection of Broadway, Montrose, and Sheridan moving forward. We would like to get feedback from our fellow neighbors to see what they like and dislike about the redesign. What do you think?

Visit Bike Uptown's post to see a diagram of a possible solution here.

Bike Uptown is a local organization that advocates for calmer Uptown streets for walking, biking and using transit.


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I participated on a Bike Uptown ride where they (I think) first presented this idea.  I live a block east of that intersection and typically avoid it when I can, though freshly paved Montrose is now attractive to ride on.  I'm for any improvements that make the roads safer for everyone.

I live right there and look forward to looking at the diagram when I get home and don't have these stinking blocked sites from work...


I am also only a few blocks away and would love to see a better intersection and even have a few ideas of my own. I will check this out when I get home.

I left a comment, I called Sheridan "Southport" by accident though.

A new spot for all those Uptown crack heads from Clifton Ave. to commiserate?

Initial feedback:

Man, I just don't know. 


Go to Google maps and zoom out more.  These are three main/somewhat main arteries on the North side.  I think choking any one of them will create more gridlock, not less.


As for the green areas created, my initial thought is:

hot weather

gang bangers




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