I'm turning 40 soon and to celebrate I want to bike across the country.  I'll be doing this around summer 2014, does anyone have any suggestions for groups/tours?  I would like to do an assisted trip, not a self-contained trip.  Thought I'd ask around for suggestions to see if anyone has any experiences to share to help me plan. 

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There are many many such supported rides that cross individual states, but I've never heard of one that crosses the whole country besides one-time fundraising efforts.

Adventure Cycling Association does at least 3 a year:

TransAmerica, Northern Tier and Southern Tier. They take about 90 days each and are expensive. Here is one such itinerary: http://www.adventurecycling.org/tours/tourdetail.cfm?t=EV12&id=...

(the other ones can be found by clicking on the links on the right)

Yeah, after my google search I saw some crazy expensive tours (5-8K) like the ones you posted here (and a few others) - and I just figured there has to be others out there that would be less expensive but maybe not as widely publicized?

The organizers of this fully-supported fundraiser are hoping to make it an annual event: 


There may be cheaper ones, but generally you get what you pay for.

The ACA tours are generally well organized, and these specific ones include the cost of food for 3 months:  you don't have to cook every meal yourself (you share cooking) and you get nutritious and varied meals. They also include the cost of camping/hotels. You stay in a hotel an average of once a week.


(Alll this comes from reviews I read, I have not done one myself yet. It is still on my list).

Don't throw out the possibility of doing a self-supported trip. When I rode a modified TransAmerica route, I crossed paths with many solo female XC riders, and you can also finding touring partners via the Adventure Cycling online forum. Self-supported touring isn't as hard as you think. Heck, I did it while boozing in taverns every other day, as my book Bars Across America: Drinking and Biking from Coast attests.

Now I've heard of some.

Duppie said:

Adventure Cycling Association does at least 3 a year:

TransAmerica, Northern Tier and Southern Tier. They take about 90 days each and are expensive. Here is one such itinerary: http://www.adventurecycling.org/tours/tourdetail.cfm?t=EV12&id=...

(the other ones can be found by clicking on the links on the right)

Lon Haldeman and Susan Notorangelo are ultra marathon cycling royalty, having won a couple of RAMs apiece (single and tandem) and Susan setting a women's PBP record in 1983. They run a company called PAC Tours out of Sharon, Wisconsin, and are very knowledgeable and really nice people. Not sure if this is a more attractive price point for you, but then I would expect a supported transcontinental bike ride to be somewhat pricey. It appears that they run a northern and southern transcontinental tour every other year or so.


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