A drug company gives away 50 folding bicycles and donates a bike lane snow plow to the City of Chicago

On Wednesday at the ribbon cutting for the Jackson Boulevard protected bike lane (the section from Western to Ogden, that is) Advil gave away 50 branded folded bikes and presented the City of Chicago with a snow plowing truck especially for for maintaining the new protected lanes. Bears great and Advil pitchman Richard Dent was on hand to take photos with the crowd, including The Chainlink's Julie Hochstadter. Read guest blogger Katie Vogel's write-up of the event on Grid Chicago:


Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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great photo...but where is richard dent's helmet ?  were they all out of XXXL size ?

I was thinking the same thing. But the ideal bike photo pose when standing still is with your helmet hanging on the handlebars, so you look cool but you don't get scolded by Kathy Schubert.

How long till some of these end up on ebay?  I want one!

I got one of the bikes and commuted on it yesterday.  Pretty nice single-speeds!

I once had a folding bike (I won it from REI at the 2010 Bike The Drive). But I later sold it, because like Richard Dent, they don't fit tall people. 

I really want to see that snow plow in action!

wish i paid more attention to when things were going on, would have been nice to go for the event.

I didn't notice they were single speeds until I looked more closely, but I wouldn't mind that.  I thought the black/yellow/red combo was cool, too.  

El Guicho said:

I got one of the bikes and commuted on it yesterday.  Pretty nice single-speeds!


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