Interesting Post on WBEZ Blogs about the Thought You Knew Calendar.

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I want one of Eduary!

here's the whole year...


My favorite is EDtober.

iggi said:

here's the whole year...

Ha ha ha!  This is going up in my office!

certainly benefits women's health!

Got the TyK calender at the shop.

Funny, ours is 11 months, starts in February, and is 100% drama free.

I just looked at January on the calenders here at the shop and got a giggle, thanks.

nik was here said:

Got the TyK calender at the shop.

Funny, ours is 11 months, starts in February, and is 100% drama free.

I don't particularly feel like getting involved in this or writing a big long manifesto, but I will say that as a 2012 TyK girl I'm fine with where the money is going. I think there are regrets on how the issue was handled on ALL sides (Alexis has personally apologized to all the pin-ups for not making things more clear at the beginning) but I don't think there was ever a concerted effort at deception and the witchhunt is definitely overkill.

Wait till I show my Mom my calendar!  She will be so proud!

Your'e welcome.Nice eyecandy but not what the calendar means to me. These women are real riders of our streets all dolled up with thier trusty ponys.

Erin Rensink said:

Hmmm.... You mean pictures of the women as they are or pictures of REAL women.  Because I'm pretty sure I'm a real person and pretty sure I was in the calendar.  Thanks.

Juan said:

I just want a calendar with REAL Chicago women who ride bikes on my shop wall with autographs to show my coworkers that everyone can and should ride.

I totally ride my kid's tricycle around in short skirts!  I do see what you mean now.  I think I saw a great calendar out of Milwaukee or Madison that had pictures of women who looked like they just pulled their helmets off after a ride and they looked AMAZING.  I can't find it though.  Boo.  Sorry I took offense, I think your original comment just read funny to me.  And the calendar does have actual photos of women as they are, just small and on the side.  I can't find mine, I would attach it if I could.  It was me and my 6 month old together. 

I wanted to stay away from this thread for a lot of reasons, but it keeps popping up and this is bugging me.  I'd like to know where the line is drawn on when empowering women becomes an excuse for gratuitous narcissism?  It is infinitely more sexy when I see the opposite of the picture Juan posted, and to be honest, most of what I've seen of the calendar.  Sure, I love seeing a girl dressed sexily as much as any guy, maybe, and it's great to raise money for a great cause.  But have we run out of ideas to the point that the only way to raise money for anything these days is to dress up some women sexily and put em in a calendar?  How is this calendar not one flat tire (sorry) away from becoming a Hooters calendar or something?  I think Juan, and definitely myself, respond more to the type of girl that doesn't have to go to such great lengths to feel sexy.  What I'm trying to say (but I'm not articulate enough to) is, how is donning sheer black tights and a whip, and showing cleavage empowering women?  Is there proof that it does this?  I guess you could say, "Hey wait, this money is going to a good cause.  Have some respect."  But as it looks to me, that money is no longer going to a good cause.  Seems like the message and the spirit of this endeavor has been muddied by bad communication, and some women from the calendar have every right to be upset about this, in my opinion.        


P.S.  I'm sick of hearing about how male-dominated the world of cycling is!  Anyone can get on a damn bike and ride the thing.  This isn't football, and that's whats so great about it.  I for one have never viewed women on bikes as anything out of the ordinary, nor have I ever thought that men are more suited for cycling than women.  If you're a woman and you're feeling insecure about entering a bike shop, why?  What's the big deal?  And if you're a man who works at a shop and treats women cyclists any different from males, shame on you ya bastard.      


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