My family says I am little hard headed...OK, very hard headed.  I am looking forward to my first Bike Winter this year, and am happy with my set up for rain, but what about this wind in the forecast for Wednesday afternoon and through Thursday?  Do you ride in it? 

Last week, when we had a bit of wind, I did have to watch that I wasn't blown sideways in to cars....I think it was Saturday that it almost happened.  That scares me.  Now the work out you get riding in to the wind is awesome and this old lady loves to play and let the wind bring her to a stop.  And with a tailwind I feel 12 years old! 

Any opinions?



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I'm with you.

Cameron Puetz said:
I'll do cold, wind, or rain, but not all three at once.

That is an area I find myself using a lot.  Another gust spot for me is Franklin, coming north out of the loop, just before Wacker.  :) 

Ended up feeling a bit under the weather today, so have not been out.  Will be thinking of you all when, or if, the wind picks up this afternoon as forecast.


Melanie said:

The wind this morning wasn't too bad- the only area that seemed to be a pain was the corner that turns from Lincoln to Wells- I hit a gust on that corner that literally felt like I was moving backward, but after that it was smooth sailing.  The rain is what bothered me the most today, just because I miss the sunshine we had not so long ago.
More sensational every year.  Seems like many potentially nasty storms now become a possible "storm of the decade" or "storm of the century."

Bikefreeek said:

Is it just me, or have weather forecasts become more sensational? And it seems like one of those media follow the leader things that when a known sensationalist news sources (like FOX) starts everybody else jumps on the band wagon. Look out for upcoming weather forecasts such as "Partly sunny, the silent killer! Tune in at 9pm for the full story and stay tuned for the latest updates..."


Me, too.  I hate hypothermia.

Scott H said:
I'm with you.

Cameron Puetz said:
I'll do cold, wind, or rain, but not all three at once.
I rode to work and rode for my work then rode home. Not really the wind but the wet roads and leaves plus a-hole drivers.
Tall buildings' drafts, and drivers going 40 mph on streets made it a bit more challenging. Chicago drivers, I tell ya :/
I don't like dealing with a large headwind (over 20 mph) on the lakefront path and will avoid riding on the windiest days.  The waves it generates are also a problem on the Chicago Avenue Slope.
News footage makes the LFP look bad this morning: big waves along the curve.  Be careful.
I got through most of Wednesday fine, but towards evening when i started out to my 5 mile ride to yoga class the head wind was strong enough to lift my front tire off the ground whenever i wasn't in a tucked position. That disturbed my sense of safety enough to head home and grab the car keys.
Wednesday was a tough commute as I fought the headwinds pretty much all the way home. Again, that wonderful corner where Lincoln and Wells meets was the probably one of the toughest wind tunnels as far as feeling like being pushed sideways and backwards goes- it was like I was pedaling but standing still. Made it home, cold, slightly wet and windblown, but made it nonetheless.
Yep. We don't own a car, so not riding is not an option. Well, I could take public transit but I kind of hate it. So, I ride.
Today was much more pleasant than yesterday.


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