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Love the comments.  That's not a stunt I'd try to imitate.  Yikes!
A few weeks ago, a bicycle blew by me southbound on Milwaukee at Division.  It took me a couple seconds to realize he was skitching an SUV with his left hand holding on to the rear wheel arch.  If the SUV had swerved right, that cyclist could have been in bad shape.

I just wonder how this cyclist managed to let go without forcing the car behind him to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting him.  That is if he managed to survive any sudden turns the truck might make or oncoming traffic taking him out. 


He did not look like a newbie to this activity though...he seemed pretty good at it!

There's a guy that does this on Lincoln Avenue- usually hitching on the back of an SUV. I've seen him a few times now, always the same clothes (racing gear/lycra) and a really nice black bike. He seems to know what he is doing, although it is freaky to see a cyclist buzz past doing 40 mph on Lincoln.  I haven't seen him since the weather started getting cold/rainy, though. To each their own, I guess.


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