I just wanted to get a quick idea on this so if you could give a quick yes or no I would appreciate it:


Do you, on the bike you commute on or use as daily transport have a suspension fork?


I'm just interested in if you have one or not right now and would prefer this not devolve into a debate making it harder for me to count so if we could just limit it to yes or no and skip the reasons that would be awesome.  Afterward I shall give my opinion and we can all argue about it, I promise.


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I know the poll doesn't end until you say it ends, but the suspense is killing me. With all these "no" votes, is somebody in trouble and about to incur your wrath?
No but Erin has one on her Trek. Although, she is transitioning to a Torker Graduate, a commutter with no suspension forks. You're question makes me wonder what she'll think ...
No, but sometimes I miss the suspension seatpost on my old Giant comfort bike


No suspension





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