Dear LIB members and other cyclists,
Since 1991, federal Transportation Enhancements grants have been the main funding source for new trails and bikeways, with  over 300 projects in Illinois.  A single Senate amendment (and possible filibuster) to a simple extension bill seeks to kill this relatively tiny program.  No spending cuts would be made - that transportation money just wouldn't be spent on bicycling.
Please help with 1-2 minutes of your time TODAY to preserve this bit of balance in transportation spending!  Either click here to learn more and send a form letter email to our Senators, or, better yet, leave a phone message for Senator Mark Kirk:


1) Call Sen. Kirk 202-224-2854 and choose option 1 to leave a message.
2) Identify yourself, including city and any local bike affiliations (bike club member?).
3) Ask for Sen. Kirk’s support of a "clean" transportation bill extension and the Transportation Enhancements program.
We're looking for at least 100 calls/emails - and are counting on you!
Ed Barsotti, LIB
(posted by Gin Kilgore)

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Will do! Thanks for all your hard work helping cyclists.
i left a message
message left.
message left and email sent (or is unethical?)
Left message at Kirk's DC office.
Thanks for all your efforts! --Gin

Made the call and also sent the e-mail suggested by the League of American Bicyclists to both Senators Kirk and Durbin.  

E-mail sent

I just left my message, on behalf of myself as well as Bike Walk Lincoln Park.


The amount of funding for biking/walking infrastructure is already miniscule. I can't believe even that is being threatened.

Just got this in an email from LAB:

"Earlier this evening the Senate passed a clean extension of the surface transportation program until March 31, 2012.  The measure passed by a vote of (92-6).
The League would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time this week to participate in our campaign to urge your Senators to pass a clean extension of the transportation bill in opposition of Senator Coburn’s (R-OK) efforts to strip Transportation Enhancements from the bill. 
Due in very large part to your participation the League generated over 10,000 messages to Senate offices, this number combined with other national advocacy groups brought the total number of messages sent to Senate offices to well over 45000.  In the face of such a resounding response Mr. Coburn eventually gave up his opposition to the bill. THIS TIME.
Bicycle and pedestrian advocates and enthusiasts are certainly a passionate group and over the course of the next six months as Congress continues to debate the next transportation authorization bill we will need to call on you again.  We fully expect the next battle to be even more challenging."

Both our Senators voted in favor of the bill.

That's fantastic news, thanks for posting. The fact that on short notice, 45,000 people nationwide took the time to actually write or call (not just thought about doing it, but actually DID it) says volumes about how important alternative transportation is, and not just to a fringe minority. YAY!

Duppie said:

Just got this in an email from LAB:

"Earlier this evening the Senate passed a clean extension of the surface transportation program until March 31, 2012.  The measure passed by a vote of (92-6).
The League would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time this week to participate in our campaign to urge your Senators to pass a clean extension of the transportation bill in opposition of Senator Coburn’s (R-OK) efforts to strip Transportation Enhancements from the bill. 
Due in very large part to your participation the League generated over 10,000 messages to Senate offices, this number combined with other national advocacy groups brought the total number of messages sent to Senate offices to well over 45000.  In the face of such a resounding response Mr. Coburn eventually gave up his opposition to the bill. THIS TIME.
Bicycle and pedestrian advocates and enthusiasts are certainly a passionate group and over the course of the next six months as Congress continues to debate the next transportation authorization bill we will need to call on you again.  We fully expect the next battle to be even more challenging."

Both our Senators voted in favor of the bill.



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