Columbia College down in the South Loop has chosen to convert the former Buddy Guy's parking lot into a secure bike parking lot for it's students and staff. Here's part of their announcement today:


"We are pleased to announce that on Wednesday August 3rd, the College will open the newly reconfigured parking lot at 754 S. Wabash (Wabash & 8th, the old Buddy Guy’s parking lot) for bicycle parking.  There are two secured entrances to the parking lot, one on Wabash and one on 8th Street.

NOTE:  Motorized vehicles are prohibited from parking in the bicycle parking lot."


Thanks to Columbia's Cycling Club, and the numerous staff and students who convinced the school to do this!

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This is really great to hear.  I hope more organizations take this lesson to provide secure bike parking.

Can't take any credit for this, though one of my student design teams proposed indoor bike parking to the school in 2008.


Actually, it appears that the school has done this as part of a sustainability plan, that I hear is roundly embraced all the way up to the president's office.


Ridership to the school has boomed, and bike parking outside was becoming very scarce. Last Fall, Security introduced a ban on bikes being taken into the buildings. If you've ever been in some of the campus buildings, you'd know why they were inclined to do so - nearly all the buildings are vintage, with phone-booth-size elevators and narrow, steep staircases.

But outrage from biking staff ended the ban rather quickly. 


The Office of Campus Environment and Columbia's Bike Club have been pushing for this for ages, and the school seems to have seen the wisdom of putting substantial bike parking in the middle of the campus.


I haven't been down there in many weeks, so I'd like to see what they've done, and how there can be an entrance on 8th, since the old Buddy Guys building would be in the way - unless it's been flattened!



I picture it sort of like the indoor, security-guard patrolled bike parking at some of the train stations in Holland.  Awesome.
This is so great.  Of course broke college students ride a lot.
So what ever happened with Buddy guy's? I heard long ago Colombia was going to tear it down, then they didn't, now they just took the parking lot? Buddy's is an awesome place. It would be a shame if they did tear it down...
Wow!  How cool!

Carl said:

Can't take any credit for this, though one of my student design teams proposed indoor bike parking to the school in 2008.


Actually, it appears that the school has done this as part of a sustainability plan, that I hear is roundly embraced all the way up to the president's office.


Ridership to the school has boomed, and bike parking outside was becoming very scarce. Last Fall, Security introduced a ban on bikes being taken into the buildings. If you've ever been in some of the campus buildings, you'd know why they were inclined to do so - nearly all the buildings are vintage, with phone-booth-size elevators and narrow, steep staircases.

But outrage from biking staff ended the ban rather quickly. 


The Office of Campus Environment and Columbia's Bike Club have been pushing for this for ages, and the school seems to have seen the wisdom of putting substantial bike parking in the middle of the campus.


I haven't been down there in many weeks, so I'd like to see what they've done, and how there can be an entrance on 8th, since the old Buddy Guys building would be in the way - unless it's been flattened!



Awesome. I wish they had this when I was there.
I think it just moved to a newer (more tourist friendly) location down the street.

Jason W said:
So what ever happened with Buddy guy's? I heard long ago Colombia was going to tear it down, then they didn't, now they just took the parking lot? Buddy's is an awesome place. It would be a shame if they did tear it down...
Yeah, it's in the old hot house space.

Mike Keating said:
I think it just moved to a newer (more tourist friendly) location down the street.

Jason W said:
So what ever happened with Buddy guy's? I heard long ago Colombia was going to tear it down, then they didn't, now they just took the parking lot? Buddy's is an awesome place. It would be a shame if they did tear it down...
Do you know how it will be secured? Will only students with the requisite ID card be able to enter the bike parking lot?



I don't know the details. I suspect it will work with the Columbia Card, which is used for access to some buildings and checking out equipment. 


Like any other space in the Columbia campus, it sounds like it will only be available to Columbia staff & students.


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