I got to escape the Tundra and lay resplendent (and often prone) back in my home town that was experiencing record-high temps: New Orleans. The day I arrived, it was in the 80s, and it remained lovingly warm n' sultry for the 8 days I was there. What sucked is that I had to tend to my badly sprained ankle for 3 days, and couldn't enjoy much of the sweet outdoors for a spell. And couch-riding and cable-surfing only can keep one afloat for so long.

But I came armed with bikey gifts. Here's my mom's sweet old trek with her new sprung Brooks saddle:

And sis' bike with some Planet Bike lights on it:

And mom and son's bikes waiting for a proper ride:

Did a lotta riding with the Fam, a ton on my own, and now I'm back here and am sick as a dog. Swweeeet. ;-)

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Mom surprise:
Welcome back (to the cold)!

FYI on the Planet Bike lights: That looks like the 1200/Blinky set on your sister's bike. I bought that set in a pinch to get home on the Channel Trail one night and would've felt better with no lights at all.

Let her know in case she plans on doing any night riding where seeing by your light is as important as being seen.
show us NOLA piks. I'm going to be down there around may, I cannot wait!


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