Today was my first commute to work via bicycle, a pretty decent haul from Lakeview (Irving and LSD) to Elmhurst. 


Total distance: 18.66mi

Time: 1:22:00

Avg Speed: 14.0mph


Not too shabby for a outta-shape clydesdale if I do say so myself!


Lessons learned:

-Bring a towel at work

-Carry less on your commute - lighter is better on your back

-You don't need 20 gal of water - see above

-Buy taillight, don't like how close some people will get to me

-Eat a bigger breakfast!


Thanks for hearing me boast my success this morning.  I've been a reader on this forum since I started researching this idea, I appreciate all your help!  Now the challenge is making the trip back...hope I'm not too beat!


Best Regards,


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The second half of my commute is very similar to yours.  I agree, much of Grand Ave once you get out of the City of Chicago is not fun for bikes.  To avoid long stretches of Grand, here's what I do:


After Harlem Ave, I cross the tracks S on 75th Ave.  I take a right onto Marwood immediately after the tracks.  Take that a few blocks, then there's a quick left-right onto W Altgeld.  (Check a map to see what I mean.)  Take Altgeld as far as you can, then take a right onto Brook, then left to get back on Grand.  (Though a left onto Grand sounds scary, I've never had to wait more than a few seconds for a gap in the cars to appear.


The second big chunk to avoid Grand is the best, and I highly recommend taking it even if you don't take my first detour.  Once you pass River Road, take a right onto Elm St.  Take a left on Chestnut.  You can ride that nice, quiet side street all the way until Mannheim. (Take a left at Lincoln just East of Mannheim to get back on Grand.)


Hope this helps!
Brian said:

I took Sheffield (S) til I got to Diversey (W) and took that all the way to Oak Park Ave (S) then hopped on Grand Ave (W) for the remainder of the ride.


It wasn't too bad of a route, definitely want to see what I can do about keeping off of Grand Ave for as long as possible.  I loose all the bike lanes at that point, traffic speeds up, and I started to get tired.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Start Point: Irving and LSD (Lakeview)

End Point: Grand and Lake (Elmhurst)




Chris C said:

What route did you take?

Congrats! I learned a few lessons myself when I started commuting from lake view to hyde park last summer 28mi round trip. 


Lessons learned:

-Bring a towel at work.

Also bring a change of cloths, deodorant, and face soap. Find a place to hang your bike clothes to air out while at work. It's no fun having that not so fresh feeling.


-Carry less on your commute - lighter is better on your back

I bought a front rack for my fixie and it's done me a world of good. When carrying a change of cloths, tools, and food on a 90 degree day it's nice to get that off your back. I also bought a big chain lock to leave at work. That way I feel more secure and could get away with out having to lug a U-lock if need be.


-You don't need 20 gal of water - see above

I drink some water before leaving the house and don't carry a water bottle. It's about an hour ride so I don't bother with the weight.


-Buy taillight, don't like how close some people will get to me

Yeah I don't ride at all with out a head/tail light and helmet.


I also recently got a set of shimano spd pedals and a pair of DZR spd sneakers. I always hated cages but platform pedals weren't cutting it. I can't imagine riding with out them now. 

I second the rack and pannier suggestion.  Since I made that switch I've been much happier, and less sweaty in the hot weather.

Joel said:



A headlight and taillight are necessities (and the law on the headlight).  If you enjoy doing the commute by bike, a rack and pannier will save your back and make the journey more comfortable.

Congrats - so great to read about this!  


Have you signed up as a Team Leader for the Bike Commuter Challenge?  It's Active Transportation Alliance's celebration of Chicago Bike to Work Week, June 11-17!  Share your passion for bike commuting to help others do the same!  Register today, it's free and easy!

Well done!  Hats off to you.
Congratulations!  I'll second Joel's fine suggestions.

Joel said:



A headlight and taillight are necessities (and the law on the headlight).  If you enjoy doing the commute by bike, a rack and pannier will save your back and make the journey more comfortable.

Way to go, Brian! 

I looked at Becca's suggestions for the western half of that commute - excellent. 

If you want quieter streets than Diversey, try Logan and Wrightwood (2600N) - some of this is Drummond, westbound - from Diversey/Logan to Narragansett. There are speed humps between Kostner and Central, otherwise it's fine.

Welcome to the club! Get some fenders and rain gear for those wet days.

Way To Do, mate. The more you do it the less it'll even seem like a thing. I remember when I thought it was a mega workout commuting from Pilsen to the Loop, now my Oak Park to Loop commute feels like barely an effort any time of year.


I'll also echo the sentiment of a pannier or rack as making a huge difference in the comfort and backsweat area.

Thanks for all the ideas and support everyone! 


In case you were wondering... I completed the return commute!  Holy cow it kicked my a**...

Took a couple of different side roads and the final results were:


Total Distance: 18.75mi

Total Time: 1:37:00

Avg Speed: 13.3mph

Temp via bike computer: 98F


Definitely should have taken care to put some more H2o in my camelback before the return trip.  Ran out of water around mile 14.  Just glad to have gotten home safe, there is some serious heat out there.  I hope you all had a safe commute today as well.


Side Note: I had a guy in a pick-up pull up along side me an joke that I would probably beat him to Cicero, and gave me a thumbs up.  Felt good to hear it ;-)


Best regards,


That's a harsh commute, distance wise and route wise.  Good job.  I worked in Addison and took the Metra to Elmhurst or Villa Park (from about the same location as your start).  I never thought I could ride all the way there.
Nearly 19miles each way is more than I could imagine doing daily -- especially in weather like this.  Bring a LOT of water with you if you are planning to ride again today or tomorrow.  I'd be hesitant to even do that ride in 90+ weather.  It isn't worth dehydrating and killing yourself from heat exhaustion.


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