was coming up north to fullerton when I saw a bunch of hipsters by the fountain starting their way down.  One girl(risers on an old road bike) at first seemed like she was unable to control her bike and was coming into my lane, got a little nervous as she got increasingly close, then right as she is about to cross past me she attempts to "psych me out"  by barking loudly.  At that point on the path, a more startled cyclist could have taken a bit of a drop into the lake.  She then proceeded to do this two two other people behind me. I hope next time I see her I realize she's being an ass hat and not just drifting into my lane, a swift helmet butt to the face will be delivered.

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just run the idiot over.  I usually don't waste brake pads on stupid.  I'll take the collision and step on the hipster when I get up. Then bark in her dumb face.
Vent with a cool iPhone app.
Really? You willfully have a collision to prove your point?

Jack said:
just run the idiot over.  I usually don't waste brake pads on stupid.  I'll take the collision and step on the hipster when I get up. Then bark in her dumb face.
If she was crossing another cyclists path and barking it sounds like she was looking to get run over by a bike

Duppie said:
Really? You willfully have a collision to prove your point?

Jack said:
just run the idiot over.  I usually don't waste brake pads on stupid.  I'll take the collision and step on the hipster when I get up. Then bark in her dumb face.
Violence is always the solution
Often violence is the solution to violence.  Either that or continue being a victim.  I don't think the police (more violence) are going to help much when one needs "protection" from violent people.
That fountain is in a dangerous location and should be moved.

Mark said:
That fountain is in a dangerous location and should be moved.

Its a bad intersection even without the fountain. But every fountain is dangerous. I've memorized each fountain location because those are where joggers just love making their left turns without looking behind them.
"Speak softly and carry a big stick."  Spokes aren't fans of big sticks.

put your u-lock in your mouth and scream ON YOUR LEFT.

then (louder) "NO!!! ***YOUR LEFT****!!!!!" . sunglasses and a really mean look work too.


violence is not the solution. a loud whistle works too.


I agree - that fountain is a death trap. Oak Street ramp and curve are dicey too.



Hipster Bullies? I've heard it all now.

welll...get behind the wheel of a cab or SUV; and blow a stop sign or red light. that's all it takes.



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