Just got home...small red older car honks at me on Broadway just where Broadway and Clarendon split in Buena Park.  When I stop beside him at light, gave the look to him like "what's up dude" then when light turned green he literally swerved toward me and put on his brakes.

So now I know its a nut job (actually 3 nut jobs in the car) and just try to get out of the way.  He goes half a block, stops and is waving (no lie) a knife in the back window of his car with probably 8 - 10 inch blade.


Me, turn down sidestreet since I'm almost home and don't want the nut job seeing where I pull into.


Handicap Plate

258 683


Martini time...

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By looking at him, you were probably making him question his manhood. This male had to "save face" in front of the other juvinile males (im assuming this) in order to maintain his alpha male status within the pack. Without this jack assery the other males would challenge his status and the pack would be disturbed. Now the pack can roam the streets without having to worry about their hierarchy. Or perhaps this guy was socially handicapped.  Either way be glad you didn't wave, then sh!t would have gotten real.
glad you're safe... hope you do something about it.

I have loads of trouble in that area, actually--more so now that the weather is getting nicer.  I work at Irving and Sheridan and the last week or so I've been 1) intentionally swerved at 2) had a cop come about 3 inches from hitting me and then flip me off(!!), not to mention all of the Cubs traffic--suburban drivers who aren't paying attention to anything other than where they are going to park (whether or not you're in the way).  As if riding in the city weren't unsafe enough, we have idiots like the one you encountered road-raging and threatening us with bodily harm outside of the car!


File a police report! That's serious and ask what they will do. If a search of the car can be done get it done. They find a knife and you press charges. Get these douchebags off the road!
I don't know if filing a police report will have any effect on this incident, but get it on record for the next time it he does it.
Sorry to hear about what happened. You definitely did the right thing by avoiding a confrontation

I absolutely HATE riding on Broadway. All the way from Ridge down to Clark, it's a serious death trap. Going north on Halsted to link up with Broadway sucks because of the people wanting to go straight onto Clarendon and either aren't paying attention or don't care about those continuing north onto Broadway. I'm always on super high alert when riding that section.


Broadway north of Montrose is like riding on Western or Ashland, cars go way too fast and are crazy impatient, not to mention there always seems to be gaping sinkholes along the bike area. Then there are the cabs that immediately pull over in front of me out of nowhere near the stretch of uptown theatre. The section that splits off under the tracks out front of Uptown Bikes is always an interesting one as well. 


Lately, if I need to get to the area on Broadway between Clark and Addison, I just take the LSP and cut west around Wellington. Nice laid back route minus the stupid humans that are riding, walking and jogging, oblivious to the world around them.


Glad you didn't get accosted. I am always blown away by how quickly people become violent and act like other peoples lives mean absolutely nothing.

Well, a shower, walk with the doggies, and a cold beer helped.

Chalk it up to (some) people suck.


That's terrible, glad you are OK! Hope you were able to file a report, that can be helpful if this driver does this again/often.



Ethan, with Active Trans

I agree.  Better to get it on record.

Joel said:
I don't know if filing a police report will have any effect on this incident, but get it on record for the next time it he does it.


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