The Chainlink

1) Nu-Fred blows by me in bike lane; 2) Nu-Fred comes into corner too hot; 3) Nu-Fred crashes self in crosswalk. Must be Bike Month.

Tis the season for watching out for more riders now that winter has taken a break.

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Peenworm Grubologist said:
what's great is lots of people on bicycles.

And this.

Are you supposed to chuckle, pat yourself on the back, and ride off with a smug grin to go blog about it when you see someone on a bike go down?

Peenworm Grubologist said:

A knucklehead on a bike still poses barely one octillionth of the danger that knucklehead would be in a car. The whole fredsnobbage thing makes me bristle.
Okay, first off, what is a "Nu-Fred"?
A Fred is a term used by road cyclists for those cyclists that have more money than brains or fitness.  Basically think of the guys you see on the LFP on 7k bikes and decked out in the full kit of some pro team or ralpha or something similar.  Usually it's someone that just started cycling seriously as well. A Nu-Fred is a recently minted Fred.

Fred Noinaj said:
Okay, first off, what is a "Nu-Fred"?
Sorry Freddy, your name has been bastardized cause people were to lazy to say douchebag ;-)
I don't chuckle and blog about it but it is annoying that the within the last 3 days I have almost been wiped out by another cyclist twice, been crowded out on the road and at intersections by people with very poor 'bike lane etiquette,' watched numerous folk pull really stupid moves at intersections in greater number than I have in the last 3 months and seen a massive increase in the number of helmetless night riders in dark clothing with no lights.  Having more people on bikes is a dandy thing but there is no way around the fact that many 'fair weather' cyclists are terribly annoying to be on the street with.  It's a shame that people are taught to drive a car but no one ever feels the need to impress upon them how to safely ride a bike...

H3N3 said:

And this.

Are you supposed to chuckle, pat yourself on the back, and ride off with a smug grin to go blog about it when you see someone on a bike go down?

Peenworm Grubologist said:

A knucklehead on a bike still poses barely one octillionth of the danger that knucklehead would be in a car. The whole fredsnobbage thing makes me bristle.
Either apply. 

Jennifer said:
I thought a Nu-Fred was a person who buys into bike messenger culture the way a regular Fred buys into bike racing culture. But money can't buy skill or experience, only parts and accessories.

S said:
A Fred is a term used by road cyclists for those cyclists that have more money than brains or fitness.  Basically think of the guys you see on the LFP on 7k bikes and decked out in the full kit of some pro team or ralpha or something similar.  Usually it's someone that just started cycling seriously as well. A Nu-Fred is a recently minted Fred.

Fred Noinaj said:
Okay, first off, what is a "Nu-Fred"?

People are taught to drive a car?  It's hard to tell.


Perhaps they are.  Public schools also teach English, History, and Math -and we all see how well that knowledge sinks in.  

notoriousDUG said:

 It's a shame that people are taught to drive a car but no one ever feels the need to impress upon them how to safely ride a bike...

Interesting. I ride every day and even since it's gotten warmer I rarely encounter another cyclist.

notoriousDUG said:
I don't chuckle and blog about it but it is annoying that the within the last 3 days I have almost been wiped out by another cyclist twice, been crowded out on the road and at intersections by people with very poor 'bike lane etiquette,' watched numerous folk pull really stupid moves at intersections in greater number than I have in the last 3 months and seen a massive increase in the number of helmetless night riders in dark clothing with no lights.  Having more people on bikes is a dandy thing but there is no way around the fact that many 'fair weather' cyclists are terribly annoying to be on the street with.  It's a shame that people are taught to drive a car but no one ever feels the need to impress upon them how to safely ride a bike...

H3N3 said:

And this.

Are you supposed to chuckle, pat yourself on the back, and ride off with a smug grin to go blog about it when you see someone on a bike go down?

Peenworm Grubologist said:

A knucklehead on a bike still poses barely one octillionth of the danger that knucklehead would be in a car. The whole fredsnobbage thing makes me bristle.
Nu-Fred was a term coined by the Bike Snob to describe some douche on a track bike with spanking new knickers, mess bag etc. who starred in a since-deleted Youtube video where he plowed into an elderly pedestrian in a crosswalk, managed to lose a fistfight with him and then brained him with a u-lock. I don't see a lot of Nu-Freds on the South Side, but they rule the streets in West Town from what I can tell.

Ah—I found the video! The pedestrian was not as old as I remember but the definitional clip of the Nu-Fred in action is still worth watching.

That video was disturbing. It's a classic case of sadist vs masochist.


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