It only seems like it has rained every day this April



I guess it isn't just my imagination that every time I went outside this month, it has been raining.


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Definitely for the past two weeks, at least every other day. This is different from the past 5 years I've been biking in the city. I imagine living in Portland or Seattle would be like this, except there it seems like it's most of the year. I can dig it.
This spring has left me incredibly frustrated as well.  All winter I looked forward to better riding conditions, and I've hardly touched my bike at all in the past month.  I feel your pain, Melanie!
We've had at least a small amount on most days this month.  It's not your imagination.  There was a 4-day stretch in mid month when it was dry.  Except for that, we've had only 7 dry days - at least in my back yard.

April showers...


...make cyclists whiny. :)

As of 4/22:

Here are some facts to ponder about Chicago's overcast claim. Statistics are for the first 22 days in April.

-- 13 days with measurable rain or snow so far this month

-- 8 straight days with measurable precipitation

-- April 13: Last completely dry day (without a trace of precipitation)

-- Only 1 day described as "clear" (with cloud cover of 30 percent or less) this month

So how does Chicago stack up against that famously rainy city of Seattle?

Rainy days (measurable precipation) to date in April:
- Seattle: 15
- Chicago: 13

Cloudy days to date in April:
- Chicago: 11
- Seattle: 10



40 and rainy is nasty 60 and rainy isn't bad  80 and rainy is sweet! But yeah I could use a few more sunny days.

"Cyling in the Rain, cycling in the rain...what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again..." 

I am trying to deal with the rain with indefatigable optimism and new Cycle Chic rain gear.  I even blogged about it!  Check it out,

Awesome. I have really enjoyed your contributions on Chainlink. I hear you on looking for decent gear. Thank you for finding this coat! I promise not to get the Orchid :)
Gee thanks Gin!  I am just so happy to be part of such a knowledgeable, encouraging and friendly community. It's fun to contribute.  As for that coat, you and I will be styln'.  It's just too cool not to share right?


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