That's what The Trib is saying here....

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Just rode the tweed ride route this morning. It felt like 80 at 9am! Really beautiful. Very freaky!
MIlwaukee's in the 80's today too.

Maybe we should organize a workshop series to teach advanced sidewalk riding.

Interested in helping?

Joel said:

Wow!  There are a lot of extra bikes out there today.  I just did some quick errands and was really surprised.  Unfortunately, a whole herd of inexperienced sidewalk riders are out.
I got out for an errand ride and a leisure ride in the afternoon.  Riding into that howling SW wind was like trying to make headway into a hurricane at times.  Yowza!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Still out enjoying it! Too nice to give up and stay in for the night. Struggled against the wind out to Oak Park and then flew back. Fantastic.

I officially started to enjoy it about an hour ago when it cooled off to upper 70s and breezy.

Got kind of a lot done today, despite the heat.

It's not a long ride from my house, but a good one because the rewards are delicious:


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