I can attend a meeting if its on weekends and at a house without cats (I'm super allergic unfortunately). We can detail this at todays ride.
As for any funds we receive, best use might be for visibility (Like a color graphic sign to put on the side of Todd's "trike-mobile" and maybe orange safety flags with a KM logo & url that we could give out to kids/parents at rides for safe riding and to make our visual presence known outside of our Saturday rides.
But really the $ could (should?) be for the simple operational costs like snacks for kids at the rides and printing some posters to put up in neighborhoods for rides...(I think we should do that for posters that have longevity- that is, that promote our whole KM season (like spring rides & summer rides) That way they can stay up in bike shops and libraries, cafes etc. for months and we can keep posting them for months (its too much work to flyer the city just for one weekend's ride- we don't have the distribution system to do it extensively every month).
I'm happy to host a planning meeting at my house (no cats, and a very large dining room table is great for organizing meetings). Also have plenty of bike parking space in my back yard; Todd your trailer could park comfortably on the front lawn or the grass median by the curb).
Let me propose a KM planning/season organizing meeting for Sat 4/9. Since the Palmer Square ride happens at 10:30am-ish, let me propose meeting 9am on Sat the 9th and then organizers could bike the 6-8 blocks to Palmer Square for the ride.
On the agenda:
Planning the 2011 KM season- getting rides/dates on the calendar
Planning posters/flyers & other promotional items & opportunities for the season
Discussing current operational needs and possible uses for grant $ (if we have that?)
Discussing prime neighborhoods to develop a new KM regular ride
Discussing possible Rogers Park/end of school year ride for May or June
Is there interest to link to more Green/Biking events like Cycelogical? Similar events are coming up...
Anythig else you want on the agenda, respond here and we'll add it on...
Also KM members or new folks with an interest to get involved: PLEASE RSVP here if you can make the meeting so we know how many are coming.
I'll email my address to those who respond they are attending (I'm near St. Louis & Wrightwood in Logan Square)
Having the meeting at the end of the ride on Sat. at the bunny park seems the best (kids can be occupied playing in the park while we meet). if weather is bad I can still host at my house (8 blocks away)after the ride. This maybe makes the meeting more accessible to other KM members who are there for the ride (as of now seems we have 4 RSVPs. Anyone else?)
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261 members