Dear fellow bicyclists,

What bicycling issue do you think is worthy of gathering signatures?  ISEC (Illinois Student Environmental Coalition) is asking bicyclists of Illinois for a bicycling issue that college students of Illinois can promote as an advocacy campaign which gathers signatures to support the message, and then deliver the signatures to Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, Governor Pat Quinn, or Senator Dick Durbin.  For example, should we make a statement regarding an issue of bicycling safety, buffered bikes lanes, connectivity, law improvements for bicyclists, or policy changes regarding infrastructure to include pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure with every road project? 

What single issue would you want to promote?  Provide your top three bicycling issues.  Please post any ideas here, or email me, Mark: mkenseth at greenstudents dot org. Also, check out the ISEC website.

Last year's climate action campaign brought roughly 4,000 signed postcards to the senator's office.

Thank you for your input, and look for me at Critical Mass or other events around town gathering signatures.


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Do people really like the plates on bridges?  I think I prefer them au naturale as grates -much less slippery when wet.  Then again I don't ride a skinny-tired bike.

The plates are helpful.  I don't have a problem riding my mountain bike over grates, but my road bike and folding bike are much more sensitive to the grates.  From my own experience and what I've heard from others, the smaller the wheel, the more likely it is to be affected by grates, especially the diagonal grates.


I don't find the plates on the Wells St. bridge slippery at all.


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