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Unless that fun/good time has anything to do with cars -as they need to be banned or at least cut way back for now (We'll ban 'em later).

H3N3 said:

Peenworm Grubologist said:
Cycling is fun, and what's more American than a seething infuriated resentment of people who seem to be having a good time.

Most of the time people spend in cars as near as I can tell is being pissed at all the other people in cars.


I don't think traffic is one of the things people rank up there as enjoyable activities which is why so many ads for cars show how much fun they'd be to drive on salt flats or deserted expressways or closed tracks or other conditions almost no one will ever see.

James Baum said:

Unless that fun/good time has anything to do with cars -as they need to be banned or at least cut way back for now (We'll ban 'em later).

I think the phsychological term for this is "projection."  Putting your own strong feelings about something into how you believe other people are thinking.


There are many people who enjoy the freedom to move about (over longer distances than can be achieved easily by human power) whenever they wish in an automobile or other IC-powered vehicle.  There are people that actually enjoy the thrill of driving and piloting performance vehicles.  There are people who love to tour the country and see places far from home and the freedom to do it where and when they want without having to depend on the whims of other people who control/operate the public transportation infrastructure.


And lastly, the rest of the world isn't like Chicago. The traffic here is something else -but by no means typical of most of the rest of the country (much less the rest of the world.)  It does indeed often suck to drive a car (or even a motorcycle) in this over-crowded rathole of a town.


I can't wait until it warms up a little and I can jump on my motorcycle and put 500-600 miles on it on a good day-trip over to the Mississippi and up the river road to Lacrosse or so.  Usually when I go this way I'll work my way back towards Madison via the back roads and say hi to the folks before heading back to town. I won't feel at all bad for burning 10-12 gallons of fuel to have  little bit of fun.  Because fun it is, and it's just as much fun as tooling around town all day on my bicycle doing my own personal half-century.  Both are fun, and both are just as legitimate ways to have a good time.  To hell with the haterz who never understand -until they start passing the laws that is.  Then the backlash happens.  Ever wonder why some people have the hate brewing against cyclists?  The more the radical anti-car folks stir up the rhetoric, the more this type of backlash is going to crop up.


Peenworm Grubologist said:

Most of the time people spend in cars as near as I can tell is being pissed at all the other people in cars.


I don't think traffic is one of the things people rank up there as enjoyable activities which is why so many ads for cars show how much fun they'd be to drive on salt flats or deserted expressways or closed tracks or other conditions almost no one will ever see.

James Baum said:

Unless that fun/good time has anything to do with cars -as they need to be banned or at least cut way back for now (We'll ban 'em later).


James Baum said:

The more the radical anti-car folks stir up the rhetoric, the more this type of backlash is going to crop up.



Serge Lubomudrov said:

Speaking about "human-powered vehicles" . . .




I ain't got anything against people who drive, it's just a thing I've noticed when in cars with people. But that impression is definitely skewed by being a city lad.

I can see why if you are a product of this city.  Being from Madison and living in the burbs of that city for 30 years before moving here I'm totally gobsmacked by just how bad, aggressive, inconsiderate, and angry the drivers in this city are. It's like they are all playing some super-large video game where you have infinite lives and they are tasked to get to the goal as fast as inhumanly possible.  All the other cars in the road are just unoccupied impersonal boxes in their way and can be treated without any consideration whatsoever.


People in this city would be well served if they remembered there are LIVING PEOPLE in those other boxes that just happen to be in their way -and drove accordingly.


Then again, people here seem to be just about as inconsiderate and dehumanizing in person as well -but at least not quite as bad as it is in New York.

Peenworm Grubologist said:

I ain't got anything against people who drive, it's just a thing I've noticed when in cars with people. But that impression is definitely skewed by being a city lad.

I imagine if more of this rhetoric crops up, it will be that the dedicated cyclists working for real transportation alternatives have started to stick that thorn in the side of those sheeple even deeper.

I think the phsychological term for this is "Guilt Complex."  


As in responding to any and all remarks about the negative effects of motoring or combating the ideal that everyone should own a 3,000lb machine in order to by groceries, get to work or go on a date.


Seriously James, why ride your motorcycle to LaCross, Madison and wherever else?  If it's so perfectly acceptable, why not burn 100-120 gallons of gas by taking your car?  Hell, why not rent a Hummer for the trip? 


It's your god given right, no?  They can pry your steering wheel... from your cold dead hands!


Really: I don't need the government to restrict your driving privileges.  I just need them to stop wasting my tax money to subsidize your transportation choice.


James Baum said:

I think the phsychological term for this is "projection."  Putting your own strong feelings about something into how you believe other people are thinking.


There are many people who enjoy the freedom to move about (over longer distances than can be achieved easily by human power) whenever they wish in an automobile or other IC-powered vehicle.  There are people that actually enjoy the thrill of driving and piloting performance vehicles.  There are people who love to tour the country and see places far from home and the freedom to do it where and when they want without having to depend on the whims of other people who control/operate the public transportation infrastructure.


And lastly, the rest of the world isn't like Chicago. The traffic here is something else -but by no means typical of most of the rest of the country (much less the rest of the world.)  It does indeed often suck to drive a car (or even a motorcycle) in this over-crowded rathole of a town.


I can't wait until it warms up a little and I can jump on my motorcycle and put 500-600 miles on it on a good day-trip over to the Mississippi and up the river road to Lacrosse or so.  Usually when I go this way I'll work my way back towards Madison via the back roads and say hi to the folks before heading back to town. I won't feel at all bad for burning 10-12 gallons of fuel to have  little bit of fun.  Because fun it is, and it's just as much fun as tooling around town all day on my bicycle doing my own personal half-century.  Both are fun, and both are just as legitimate ways to have a good time.  To hell with the haterz who never understand -until they start passing the laws that is.  Then the backlash happens.  Ever wonder why some people have the hate brewing against cyclists?  The more the radical anti-car folks stir up the rhetoric, the more this type of backlash is going to crop up.


Peenworm Grubologist said:

Most of the time people spend in cars as near as I can tell is being pissed at all the other people in cars.


I don't think traffic is one of the things people rank up there as enjoyable activities which is why so many ads for cars show how much fun they'd be to drive on salt flats or deserted expressways or closed tracks or other conditions almost no one will ever see.

James Baum said:

Unless that fun/good time has anything to do with cars -as they need to be banned or at least cut way back for now (We'll ban 'em later).

Absolutely, I think the should be reduced to 1800 levels, as well as the military.


Let the oil companies run their own middle east wars.  I'm fully fine with that.  The price of energy will seek its own level.  I'm also OK with you paying $10,000 a year to keep from freezing to death in your own house.   That's fine with me. 


T.C. O'Rourke said:

Really: I don't need the government to restrict your driving privileges.  I just need them to stop wasting my tax money to subsidize your transportation choice.



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