The bicyclist killed in a collision with a truck in downtown Minneapolis this week had stolen the bike a couple of hours earlier, police said Wednesday.

The Hennepin County medical examiner's office identified the bicyclist as Larry Berry, 55, of Minneapolis. He was hit and killed Monday afternoon at 1st Avenue N. and 5th Street, about a block from Target Center.

The bike was stolen around lunchtime from the 200 block of Marquette Avenue, said Police Sgt. Jesse Garcia. At the time he was hit, Berry had a backpack that contained bolt cutters, Garcia said.

Berry and a Quicksilver Express Courier delivery truck were southbound on 1st Avenue when the truck turned right, striking the cyclist in a designated bike lane.

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That's... hmm. That's, yes, still bad news.
Was the bicycle in any way connected to the courier service? Because if that was the case it sucks that the thief died.
Ummm..I guess I should feel bad.It looks like the truck was at fault and that It could have happened to any bike rider.I am glad that the thief decided to obey law and ride in a designated bike lane.Karma is a bitch!
That's a shame. Is the bike okay?
Human life always takes precedence over property, but I have to confess a little twinge of ambivalence.
is it just me is there some irony in the fact that he was killed by someone working for Quicksilver.
Karma sucks . . .
Good Riddance to bad rubbish! Sad we lost a bike in the tragedy.
Yep, karma is a bitch. I hope the bike survived.
my friend Izzy P. spotted this in Ohio and posted it to facebook:

Your friend Izzy is punking you. This things been around the interwebz longer than alka seltzer and soda pop.

lauren sailor said:
my friend Izzy P. spotted this in Ohio and posted it to facebook:

It's at least from last year because August 22nd last fell on a saturday in 2009

Ash L. said:
Your friend Izzy is punking you. This things been around the interwebz longer than alka seltzer and soda pop.

lauren sailor said:
my friend Izzy P. spotted this in Ohio and posted it to facebook:


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