Sorry for the soapbox PSA, but... I have some non-cycling friends who live around Lincoln Park and have witnessed a number of incidents lately involving cyclists plowing through red lights and hitting or nearly hitting pedestrians.

One of my friends reported today seeing two pedestrians hit by two cyclists in separate incidents while she was waiting for the bus. Both cyclists had red lights.

I don't ride like that, and my friends don't ride like that, but when other cyclists do, it really creates bad blood between pedestrians and cyclists. If you know of someone who blows through red lights and stop signs when pedestrians are present, please educate them about the law and yielding the right of way to pedestrians.

I am well aware as cyclists we often get put in dangerous situations by vehicles, and yes, sometimes by stupid or inattentive pedestrians, but that doesn't excuse us from doing the right thing and riding safely.

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sometimes i almost practically get hit by pedestrians as they walk by me as i'm walking by them on the sidewalk. ok. i'm joking. but i should start a thread about how my girlfriend usually move over to allow other to continue walking side by side, but others will not move over. it's pretty fun to experiment with this. and when a triple wide of guys come walking at better get off the sidewalk.

actually, as a ped, i try and stop and look both ways, cause as a cyclist, i know i don't always see pedestrians. but if i ever get a little close to a ped, it probably seems worse than it is because i'm going a little faster than the ped.
I play the 'who's gunna get creamed' rule, and think with my brain and not a law book. If I see a bike coming my way at 20mph, I'm not going to step into the street in front of him just cause I can.

That being said, sorry to hear about the accidents. The Jimmy John's guys on campus, though freaky fast, hit peds often. I've seen two incidents. Both were in the middle of campus (no streets, just sidewalks), and the JJs guy was just trying to take a short cut, pitch black, flying along. *shrug*
When I ride along the lake path I like to stop and sit on a park bench below the Shedd Aquarium where the path crosses a couple of sidewalks that lead down to the harbor. Many walkers cross the path there; often large groups coming from the water taxi landing. Many are small children. In any event the area is often very congested with walkers and cyclists.

Anyway this is a place where a responsible cyclist proceeds slowly and with caution yet I often see cyclists come barreling down the path like Billy-be-jiggers and have seen several near misses. Some are under the impression they have the right of way and I'm sure others are just self absorbed louts. One of these days I'm gonna see somebody get creamed there. When such a thing happens I will be happy to be deposed for or testify for the pedestrian.
Any pedestrian that walks into a crosswalk with out looking is kind of asking for it non?

Not excusing some of the amazingly boorish behaviour of some fellow cyclists but come on... Ped's have to watch for Bikes and Cars.
Crazy fixies. ;-)
Peds certainly should watch for bikes and cars if they know what's good for them, but the law is clear, it doesn't matter. Peds have the right of way. Regardless if you have a green light, regardless if the ped looks right at you and sees you coming, if you hit the ped, it's your fault.

Tim S said:
Any pedestrian that walks into a crosswalk with out looking is kind of asking for it non?

Not excusing some of the amazingly boorish behaviour of some fellow cyclists but come on... Ped's have to watch for Bikes and Cars.
damn bike ninjas....

Will V. said:
Peds certainly should watch for bikes and cars if they know what's good for them, but the law is clear, it doesn't matter. Peds have the right of way. Regardless if you have a green light, regardless if the ped looks right at you and sees you coming, if you hit the ped, it's your fault.

Tim S said:
Any pedestrian that walks into a crosswalk with out looking is kind of asking for it non?

Not excusing some of the amazingly boorish behaviour of some fellow cyclists but come on... Ped's have to watch for Bikes and Cars.
In the loop at rush hour, pedestrians will look right at you and continue (jay) walking into the road. Bikes don't get no respect.

Will V. said:
Peds certainly should watch for bikes and cars if they know what's good for them, but the law is clear, it doesn't matter. Peds have the right of way. Regardless if you have a green light, regardless if the ped looks right at you and sees you coming, if you hit the ped, it's your fault.

Tim S said:
Any pedestrian that walks into a crosswalk with out looking is kind of asking for it non?

Not excusing some of the amazingly boorish behaviour of some fellow cyclists but come on... Ped's have to watch for Bikes and Cars.
I'd be interested to see your comments backed up by a quote from Illinois/Cook/Chicago laws or ordninances

Will V. said:
Peds certainly should watch for bikes and cars if they know what's good for them, but the law is clear, it doesn't matter. Peds have the right of way. Regardless if you have a green light, regardless if the ped looks right at you and sees you coming, if you hit the ped, it's your fault.

Tim S said:
Any pedestrian that walks into a crosswalk with out looking is kind of asking for it non?

Not excusing some of the amazingly boorish behaviour of some fellow cyclists but come on... Ped's have to watch for Bikes and Cars.
"Bikes don't get no respect."

So true... Had a upstanding gentlemen defend his wife's honour after their Suburban turned into an alley with no signal. I made a comment, she sassed back, her husband jumped out of the back seat proceeded to tell me I didn't know what I was talking about, threatened to beat me for suggesting they were fibbing... really? I say you did not use a turn signal so you are going to threaten my life.

I put on a smile and rode away
Always? How about when peds pop out from between parked cars mid-block? Or when they start crossing the street in front of you while they have a RED light and you still have the green? Or when they just start crossing the street in some random location mid-block (when there is a crosswalk and stoplight less than 1/2 block away) and don't even look at what traffic may be coming?

Consideration has to go both ways. People doing any of the above when there is moving traffic getting close to them may not deserve to be hit, but they sure don't deserve any courtesy.

Michael J Blane said:
This is what the "Rules of the Road" says:
Pedestrian Right-of-Way
Drivers and pedestrians both are responsible for traffic safety. Following are instances when a driver must yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian.

When a pedestrian is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk on the driver’s side of the roadway and there are no traffic control signals.
When making a turn at any intersection.
When making a lawful turn on a red light, after coming to a complete stop.
After coming to a complete stop at a STOP sign or flashing red signal at an intersection.
When a pedestrian enters a crosswalk before the traffic light changed.
When a pedestrian is walking with a green light, to a "walking person" symbol or a "walk" signal.
When a pedestrian is leaving or entering a street or highway from an alley, building, private road or driveway.
To persons working on highway construction or in a maintenance area.
To persons with disabilities, including those with physical, hearing and visual disabilities. When crossing the road with a guide dog, a white cane or other assistive device, a pedestrian who is blind or visually impaired has the right-of-way. Pedestrians with disabilities operating mobility devices, including motorized wheelchairs, on a sidewalk or roadway also are granted the same rights as other pedestrians.

More can be found here:

Pedestrians always have the right-of-way!

Here's a little more:
Peds always give me the right away not even knowing why ...


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