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What would people prefer or believe to be the best hours for a bike shop during the winter? Morning, midday, evening?

My current thought is 8am-12pm by appointment, 12pm-8pm open, and 8pm-10pm by appointment.
Who rides in the winter? Commuters. When I need something wrenched on quickly to get to work, I'll be angry that you aren't open at 8am. This doesn't have to be full staff, just one person to do quick things. If a repair is more than simple and quick, it can wait for the full staff.

After work you'll get repairs also. I could be completely wrong, but in my experience, you'll need to cater to a crowd if you want business in the winter. Other than commuters, there isn't much of a crowd to cater to.

The Bike Lane is open at 8am (on Milwaukee) and it's been great when I need something for my commute.
Since I have to be at work at 8 am (prior to most shops opening) if something comes up on my commute that I can't fix myself, I either put my bike on a bus or lock it up in place and come back after work, since it would take longer to fix it.

So my personal preferance would be for a shop to have reliable hours between 5-8 rather than try to get staff there early.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
Who rides in the winter? Commuters. When I need something wrenched on quickly to get to work, I'll be angry that you aren't open at 8am. This doesn't have to be full staff, just one person to do quick things. If a repair is more than simple and quick, it can wait for the full staff.

After work you'll get repairs also. I could be completely wrong, but in my experience, you'll need to cater to a crowd if you want business in the winter. Other than commuters, there isn't much of a crowd to cater to.

The Bike Lane is open at 8am (on Milwaukee) and it's been great when I need something for my commute.
I would like it if shops were open atleast till 8pm. It seems that most shops close around 5pm during the winter and that does me no good.
In regards to morning commuters, my thought was the most people would wait until after work to have a repair done.

When I say "by appointment" I do not mean that you have to call and schedule something, my idea was just that the store wouldn't be 100% open but that service would still be available. It would save on electric and gas, and seems more practical since the number of people riding in the winter is small.

For example, you have a flat and show up to the shop. There would be a number to call if you were there within the "by appointment" hours. You give it a jingle and I would be there within a few minutes.
Yeah, that's my problem with most shops, not being open past 5 p.m. on winter evenings. I can understand if they don't want to be open late every night. Being open 'til 8 p.m. on 1 or 2 nights per week would be great.

Davo said:
I would like it if shops were open atleast till 8pm. It seems that most shops close around 5pm during the winter and that does me no good.
Another way to look at this . . . .help vigorously promote year round cycling (think Bike Winter) to keep those costumers coming in.

Gin said:
Another way to look at this . . . .help vigorously promote year round cycling (think Bike Winter) to keep those costumers coming in.
Gin, I knew we could count on you to promote year-round costumes. Viva Halloween!

Gin said:
Another way to look at this . . . .help vigorously promote year round cycling (think Bike Winter) to keep those costumers coming in.
I'm also kicking around the idea of "winter hours". I was considering having an entire day that I would be closed (probably Tuesday). I do agree that later hours of operation are a necessity.. heck, I just sold 2 bikes 5 minutes ago at 5:30. I do have several commuters come through each day, but unfortunately they are passing by at 5:30am. I ain't gonna do that!

BTW... my first post!!!


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