I recently noticed these around town and I was wondering if they are "real" bikes or just a form of advertising.
I admire the ingenuity of this guerrilla advertising but I hate to loose the good spots to tie my bike. I can only imagine how frustrating it
can be to loose a parking spot to a red bull car.

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the second bike has a nice little chainlink sticker on the bike rack. :)
H3N3 said:
Bike rack space has become a painfully precious commodity in the past two years-- please post the exact locations of these so those of us with inclination to follow up can make sure they're removed.

one of them is on the north east corner of Lealand and Damen. the other one is on the south east corner of Huron and State.

this is in Berlin where these bikes/billboards are everywhere, hope we never get there.

some more photos i took and other people took
Neat pictures Dubi. Looks like some of those bikes might actually be daily riders with ads on them. Some are obviously stationary (albeit portable) billboards designed to sit in one specific spot/location.

If the company were letting someone use an ad bike for transportation as an exchange for riding around on their rolling billboard that would be one thing. I could see renting out ad space on my own bike although I don't park my bike outside much except for when I'm out doing my daily errands and such. I keep it inside at home and work.

But just schlepping a bike out in the back of a truck to be locked up and left somewhere as a billboard and having it take up valuable rack real estate is egregious IMHO. Although I can also see one benefit of this as it might actually help push the city to put in more bike racks in the areas if they are always full and serve as proof that there is more "demand." Nothing succeeds like success.

Click here to get to the C-DOT webpage form to request a bike rack in a specific location. Be sure to specify that the racks there are always full in this location and specify how many bikes are parked versus how many available spots there are. If more than one person makes a request for the same area that helps too.

The squeaky wheel gets the new bearings and races...
I've seen one or two around Lakeview... most recently, around Belmont and Clark (someone correct me if I'm wrong w/ the exact location).

Dubi Kaufmann said:
H3N3 said:
Bike rack space has become a painfully precious commodity in the past two years-- please post the exact locations of these so those of us with inclination to follow up can make sure they're removed.

one of them is on the north east corner of Lealand and Damen. the other one is on the south east corner of Huron and State.

this is in Berlin where these bikes/billboards are everywhere, hope we never get there.

some more photos i took and other people took
I agree. If I spot any, I'll certainly share the locations.

H3N3 said:
Bike rack space has become a painfully precious commodity in the past two years-- please post the exact locations of these so those of us with inclination to follow up can make sure they're removed.
We use a sign bike at Bobby's now, but it is chained to a stoplight pole where no one else could, or would normally lock. In a discussion about this, somebody recomended, damaging, defacing, or just removing the bikes in bike parking spots. I was reminded that getting the city to do anything about the situation was a joke. That person was probably correct unfortunatly.
Hi everyone. My name is John, and I work for domu. Someone who contacted us about the bikes linked to this site. I wrote something for you all to check out and pass along to friends. Thanks. http://www.domu.com/blog/bicyclists-we-hear-you
Thanks for listening to us.

On a separate note, I checked out your site a couple of weeks ago and I do like the layout and search function a lot.

John said:
Hi everyone. My name is John, and I work for domu. Someone who contacted us about the bikes linked to this site. I wrote something for you all to check out and pass along to friends. Thanks. http://www.domu.com/blog/bicyclists-we-hear-you
You're welcome.

Julie Hochstadter said:
Thanks for listening to us.

On a separate note, I checked out your site a couple of weeks ago and I do like the layout and search function a lot.

John said:
Hi everyone. My name is John, and I work for domu. Someone who contacted us about the bikes linked to this site. I wrote something for you all to check out and pass along to friends. Thanks. http://www.domu.com/blog/bicyclists-we-hear-you
That's pretty human of you John.

What are you guys going to be doing with the bikes you have now that you are done with the ad campaign? Are you going to have a sale?

You know, we've kicked around many ideas about what to do with them. Haven't settled on anything yet, but when we do, I'll let you know.

James Baum said:
That's pretty human of you John.

What are you guys going to be doing with the bikes you have now that you are done with the ad campaign? Are you going to have a sale?

Maybe you could raffle them off for some worthy charity -maybe one of the bike-related charities in the local area. Or make your own to raise awareness of lack of bike racks!

That would go a long way towards repairing any ill-will with the riding community IMHO.

Those are nice commuter bikes and I'm sure there are many chicago area commuters who would be happy to have such a solid bike.


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