Just saw this.




There doesn't appear to be any other info as of yet.

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I agree with Ryan. Most of the people who comment are lacking in compassion at the very least, and some of them sound like real sickos. I try to remember that the segment of humanity that comments on these articles is NOT representative of society as a whole, but mostly of its sickest pieces.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Comments on news sites when the stories concern accidents are usually made by people who come across as at least borderline sociopaths.

Tomas Delgado said:
damn, check out this nasty comment under the article. does this guy have no compassion?:
Good suggestion. I try to watch carefully when going through 6-way intersections like this one. I definitely don't run the lights. Even doing things 100% legally, I've had my share of close calls there, and seen plenty of other people have scary moments. Be safe out there.

Mechanical Marco said:
yeah that is a busy intersection for sure. It's important to always wait for green. And even that doesn't ensure our safety entirely. For the record, three way stops work counter-clockwise if it helps anyone to know. I like it because I know where traffic should be coming from at all times.
Generally true, but we wouldn't be in Chicago if there was at least one exception:
At Lincoln, George and Lakewood the light turn clock-wise.

Mechanical Marco said:
For the record, three way stops work counter-clockwise if it helps anyone to know.
My condolences to all involved.

As a bike commuter, I follow cyclist crash reports closely. The major news outlets never detail the circumstances in their brief accounts. And these reports ALWAYS polarize cyclists' and motorists' opinions.

I'm a middle-aged guy, and remember when Chicago Police made traffic stops. I wonder if a crackdown on motorists AND cyclists would help the situation? (Which is pretty much anarchy these days.) And how about a public awareness campaign, similar to the anti-smoking movement of the 1960s? Sadly, neither is likely to happen -- the city's broke.

NYC has the same issues. Check out Bike Snob NYC's blog: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/

Safe travels.
A smart man once said, "There aren't many situations in this world where adding a cop to the mix can't make things worse..."

Fritz Hocking said:
I'm a middle-aged guy, and remember when Chicago Police made traffic stops. I wonder if a crackdown on motorists AND cyclists would help the situation? (Which is pretty much anarchy these days.) And how about a public awareness campaign, similar to the anti-smoking movement of the 1960s? Sadly, neither is likely to happen -- the city's broke.
And who was this?

James Baum said:
A smart man once said, "There aren't many situations in this world where adding a cop to the mix can't make things worse..."

Fritz Hocking said:
I'm a middle-aged guy, and remember when Chicago Police made traffic stops. I wonder if a crackdown on motorists AND cyclists would help the situation? (Which is pretty much anarchy these days.) And how about a public awareness campaign, similar to the anti-smoking movement of the 1960s? Sadly, neither is likely to happen -- the city's broke.


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