Anyone have any thoughts on/experiences with this place?

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Sorry, I couldnt resist. I took down my smartassism...

I know nothing of said place by the way.

Dr. Doom said:

Ha, not at all. (For anyone wondering, the thread title originally read "Damen west of North," which would obviously be an interesting address.)
Here is a second-hand experience: My roommate and I were meeting a potential 3rd roommate and shooting the shit about bikes and whatnot. Potential 3rd roommate said that he had brought a bike with a bent dropout (not a bent derailleur hanger, according to him, but a bent dropout) to Fast Lane, and the owner of the place said that he would need a welder to fix the bike. But miraculously enough, the owner of Fast Lane was, himself, a welder, and fixed and tuned up the bike for $50! The whole story made me unsure of whether I should mistrust the potential 3rd roommate, the owner of Fast Lane, or just go along believing that everyone is honest and charitable and that there is a place in the city where welding+tuneup combos cost $50. Fin.
I have the link in my clipboard and was just about to post it . . .
Folks, Tod Gee and John Greenfield put this site together as a service to the bike community-- please use it and tell others about it.

Cricket said:
Todd built and maintains the site, i.e did 94% of the work. The site was inspired by a project
Strve Marsala and I did several years ago to visit every shop in the city of Chicago. Steve took notes on the shops and I took photos. There are a lot more shops in the city now! Todd also added many suburban shops. Kudos to Todd's hard work on creating this important resource.

John Greenfield

H3N3 said:
I have the link in my clipboard and was just about to post it . . .
Folks, Tod Gee and John Greenfield put this site together as a service to the bike community-- please use it and tell others about it.

Cricket said:
I thought you and Todd went out and took the initial photos-- thanks for the clarification.
Sad that so many shops can't be bothered to send a damn photo.

John Greenfield said:
Todd built and maintains the site, i.e did 94% of the work. The site was inspired by a project
Strve Marsala and I did several years ago to visit every shop in the city of Chicago. Steve took notes on the shops and I took photos. There are a lot more shops in the city now! Todd also added many suburban shops. Kudos to Todd's hard work on creating this important resource.

John Greenfield

H3N3 said:
I have the link in my clipboard and was just about to post it . . .
Folks, Tod Gee and John Greenfield put this site together as a service to the bike community-- please use it and tell others about it.

Cricket said:
I thought this thread was about Tony Tubes joint?


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