Friends who've been fighting the fight for bikes on Metra for over a decade consistently identify Phil Pagano as the main barrier . . . well, for those who haven't heard, he may be on his way out . . .

Fingers crossed . . .

(edit-- obviously not wishing for his death when I started this thread)

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I'll be curious to see if this has a noticeable effect. It might. Stay tuned...

H3N3 said:
You took that completely the wrong way, it was not aimed at you.
Your turn and then mine.

Anne Alt said:
Thanks for the snarkiness.
H3N3 said:
At least he had the class to delete it.
amazing. i just heard it on wbez. is that ironic that he died by one of his trains?

H3N3 said:
Wow, saw that in my e-mail alerts . . . . crazy times we're living in.

Anne Alt said:
It was a poetic gesture to use the very trains that drove him to choose this fate.
I think there was some irony in the choice. One of the news items said that, when his body was found, he was carrying a copy of the Metra policy on how to deal with suicides.

My sympathy is with the train engineer who looked him in the eyes while trying to stop the train. I've talked to conductors after incidents like this, and they've said it really does take a toll on the train crew.

Truly a strange news week.

H3N3 said:
Not sure about irony-- obviously he chose his avenue of demise.
I feel badly for the conductor who has to live with that image; they say suicide is a selfish gesture but you can certainly take that farther if you wish.

Mark Kenseth said:
amazing. i just heard it on wbez. is that ironic that he died by one of his trains?

H3N3 said:
Wow, saw that in my e-mail alerts . . . . crazy times we're living in.

Anne Alt said:


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