If you want to organize a ride other than the regularly scheduled Tuesday and Thursday ones, post it here.

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Hey Anne! I've been a bit preoccupied with something else, but I'm ready to get back on track. I want to set up a regular RideCivil, probably the last Friday of each month to coincide w/Critical Mass. We can have a designated meeting place and then decide which way to go that night, ending someplace "sweet"!

I'll get it in the Beverly Review and (unfortunately too late for May) June Villager. Maybe BAPA can put it on their email blast. I'll also update the website.

Do you want it to coincide with CM, or have it on another Friday, such as the 2nd or 3rd Friday? I know some people (reasonable, non-crazy riders) who would be interested but they normally ride CM. Just my $0.02.

Mary Lynn Wilson said:
Hey Anne! I've been a bit preoccupied with something else, but I'm ready to get back on track. I want to set up a regular RideCivil, probably the last Friday of each month to coincide w/Critical Mass. We can have a designated meeting place and then decide which way to go that night, ending someplace "sweet"!

I'll get it in the Beverly Review and (unfortunately too late for May) June Villager. Maybe BAPA can put it on their email blast. I'll also update the website.



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