The first day of Spring is March 20th


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Here's the money shot. Sorry about the blurry pic. It's not easy holding the camera steady when you have to shoot gonzo style.

H3N3 said:
Who's in the bathtub-- the little girl, the donkey, or both?

Michael Perz said:
(I have some bathtub photos taken just prior to that one, but they're definitely NSFW.)
Oh Bike Porn is Hot! ;-)
OMG...I am getin' aroused seein those fenders on the ground...
Is that pornographic objectification?
I hope so!
Good Lord! can't wait to see what happens when I schedule my Berwyn bicycle events!
Oh, while I am at it...Let me honor our Blackhawk Olympians...

Michael Perz said:
Oooh, yeah. Just like that. Take it off, baby.

Take it ALL OFF!


Your killin' me

Michael Perz said:

Here's the money shot. Sorry about the blurry pic. It's not easy holding the camera steady when you have to shoot gonzo style.

H3N3 said:
Who's in the bathtub-- the little girl, the donkey, or both?

Michael Perz said:
(I have some bathtub photos taken just prior to that one, but they're definitely NSFW.)
I think it's more the U.S has a taboo on sexuality. If it's because of Christian values intertwined with our government which in turn censers our media is up for debate. Some Young women find at an early age it’s easier to manipulate a man through flirting and scandalous dress then to gain respect and interest through personality. Since sexuality is not something to be discussed openly or at least with out a fair amount of beer. These pubescent girls or as call them prostatots eventually explore there sexuality on there own or through what they see on cable tv.

The rest of the civilized world is more open with their sexuality which in turns brings openness among the sexes at a earlier age. I think the point heather is getting to is that by posting more pictures of borderline porn it inflames the misguided stage that young women go through and as mature males we have a responsibility to not exacerbate the stereotype. With that said yeah if I see reveling ware on a women, I’m going to look. If their hot or not that’s just how guys are. If I’m I going to be interested in meeting her is another story.

It the end, it’s a women’s personality that lands her a decent guy or grants her higher social status and if as men we continue to justified and show attention to skanky women all that’s going to be left are dumb shells with no social skills and a personality of a 12 year old.

Ryan L said:
Unfortunately, what saddens me is the realization that the world is more concerned about nudity and sexuality than images of violence. Im sure the moderators are slightly upset, you know, because of the children. I know some might see this photo and believe this image will warp the fragile little minds of other humans, yet an image of zombies eating the brains of a hooker is "just fine".
How awesome would it be if assholes in cars flashed their breasteses or mooned us, thong and all, instead of yelling some lame ass hate laced obscenity to make sure we understand what losers we are. *This message was brought to you by the letter "A" for alcohol. Much of which was ingested due to peer pressure by the fine folks of the f-ing bike club ride.
Try not to look too hard folks... NSFW..


I'm ready for spring too.
DUG, Gabe, be careful. The angry feminist in here is socialized and embedded in social structures that influence, constrain, enable, and shape her dispositions toward and capacities for action. Believe me, you don't want to know what those capacities are.
I love you Martin. If suddenly all the feminists on CL stop talking to me I'd be ok. ;-)
I think there should be a calendar (like the TYK one) of the hot bicycle men in Chicago. Ladies who bike like eye candy, too!
There is...

Shay said:
I think there should be a calendar (like the TYK one) of the hot bicycle men in Chicago. Ladies who bike like eye candy, too!
boys...shall we get together and make them the calendar they REALLY want?

Shay said:
I think there should be a calendar (like the TYK one) of the hot bicycle men in Chicago. Ladies who bike like eye candy, too!
Wow...I didn't know. That's cool. I bought the women's calendar because I didn't realize there was a men's. Right on!

P.S. Iggi, I like the way you think. ;)


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