Looks like the Hummer line will be disc. soon.  Good riddance I say!


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Hated the Hummer in all its incarnations, but cannot help but feel bad for the 1000+ people who are now out of work. Another thousand or so people with families to feed and kids to school. Those jobs are never going to be replaced, so i really cannot celebrate the demise of the brand. Another factory closed...
I've never understood all the ire that's been directed at the Hummer since its inception. Granted it stands head and shoulders above most other displays of nuveaux riche affluence, but in terms of threat posed to cyclists I don't see how it is an exception to all the other vehicles piloted by knuckle dragging cretins each day.
mostly a threat to the bicyclists cause. i often felt another bike on the road was needed to offset the h2/h3's emmisions

Michael Perz said:
I've never understood all the ire that's been directed at the Hummer since its inception. Granted it stands head and shoulders above most other displays of nuveaux riche affluence, but in terms of threat posed to cyclists I don't see how it is an exception to all the other vehicles piloted by knuckle dragging cretins each day.
I think that in terms of emissions (in terms of unit volume and miles traveled) and threats to cyclists (in terms of professions commonly associated with them) the Impala and Crown Victoria would beat it in a landslide.

iggi said:
mostly a threat to the bicyclists cause. i often felt another bike on the road was needed to offset the h2/h3's emmisions

Michael Perz said:
I've never understood all the ire that's been directed at the Hummer since its inception. Granted it stands head and shoulders above most other displays of nuveaux riche affluence, but in terms of threat posed to cyclists I don't see how it is an exception to all the other vehicles piloted by knuckle dragging cretins each day.
That's excellent.

H3N3 said:
I can't imagine the visibility is really great with the porthole windows.


Good riddance. (says the girl looking for a diesel.... hey, I pull trailers!!)
Oh yeah! Love it!

H3N3 said:


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