For real - can anybody tell me how to mount this beast onto the front of my bike or if it's even possible?

Humvee Rechargeable Bike Lamp

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I thought you asked a serious question. Apparently your goal is to be a donkey, cause you won't just blind drivers (while not nice, I would not mind too much) but also pedestrians and other bicyclists.

Matt M. said:
exactly why I should try to do it.

Ali said:
This is outright dangerous if not ridiculous. Not only would you attract 1000's of bugs but it is also a hazard to the drivers on the road. This will literally blind an oncoming car from a mile away not to mention that if you have it angled much like a headlight of a car it will blind you as it will be way too bright to see anything. And good luck seeing anything else around you as a light this intense will play havoc on your night vision. So if you were to look to your side all you would see is a blackness as dark as the space it itself! There are numerous regulations on how bright a headlight of a car can be, the angle it should be to the road, how far it needs illuminate for this exact reason!

I'm interested to see your setup. You have any pics to share?

rik said:
Matt M

That thing is based on obsolete technology.
It uses quartz-halogen lamps.
These bulbs make more heat than light!!!!!!!
That is why the run time is ONLY Approx. 45 Minutes
If you put your hand in front of it you would get burned.

LED lights are the only way to go.
They make tiny heat = all power goes to making light only.
I use the same battery - it is a 12V 7Ah sealed lead acid battery -
to run 3 LED lights in the front and 3 LED lights in the rear.
I typically get over 24 hours of continuous run time!!!!!!
For me that means I recharge the battery once a week in winter and once in 2 weeks in summer!
One solution would be to just buy that same 12volt 7ah battery and run LED lights.
Just the battery costs about $20 at Illinois Battery Specialists on Irving.
You can get cheap 12volt based LED lights and a 12v trickle charger at auto stores.
I found that bike shops rip you off for lights.

I hope this steers you in the right direction.
May all your road be bright.
just got tired of dinky bike lamps. When riding in the woods and deer or other fauna around the corner it helps to have a decent light cannon. Plus I'm in the market for a fun experience with bright light.
10 million candlepower? Pfft, why stop there? Just get one of those searchlights that are on tanker ships if you want to be completely ridiculous.

And if you do actually use this as a bike light, let everyone know your nighttime route. We'll all want to avoid you, because you'll be worse than oncoming cars with headlights that shine in your eyes instead of on the road.

And to dissuade you, Niterider Light N Motion
If you really must use this, please mount it facing you - it will keep you warm in winter and all of us will be able to see you clearly and decide if the most appropriate description for you is "dope", "scmuck", "dimwit", "numbskull", "douche", "idiot"...
awwwwww yeaaahhhh....

Ian said:
If you really must use this, please mount it facing you - it will keep you warm in winter and all of us will be able to see you clearly and decide if the most appropriate description for you is "dope", "scmuck", "dimwit", "numbskull", "douche", "idiot"...
Ok, so why not try one of these? Puts out a real-life 1600 lumen at a fraction of the weight of that boat anchor of yours.

Matt M. said:
just got tired of dinky bike lamps. When riding in the woods and deer or other fauna around the corner it helps to have a decent light cannon. Plus I'm in the market for a fun experience with bright light.
Duppie - that's insanely great!!!!!! AND it has 5 modes for varying intensity - kick ass!

Duppie said:
Ok, so why not try one of these? Puts out a real-life 1600 lumen at a fraction of the weight of that boat anchor of yours.

Matt M. said:
just got tired of dinky bike lamps. When riding in the woods and deer or other fauna around the corner it helps to have a decent light cannon. Plus I'm in the market for a fun experience with bright light.

Ian said:
If you really must use this, please mount it facing you - it will keep you warm in winter and all of us will be able to see you clearly and decide if the most appropriate description for you is "dope", "scmuck", "dimwit", "numbskull", "douche", "idiot"...
absolutely choice.... ;-)

Anne Alt said:

Ian said:
If you really must use this, please mount it facing you - it will keep you warm in winter and all of us will be able to see you clearly and decide if the most appropriate description for you is "dope", "scmuck", "dimwit", "numbskull", "douche", "idiot"...
Frank - Duppie?
here are some pics
battery view - notice the wall light switch I salvaged from the trash.

front view

rear view

Duppie said:
I'm interested to see your setup. You have any pics to share? Frank
rik said:
Matt M

That thing is based on obsolete technology. It uses quartz-halogen lamps. These bulbs make more heat than light!!!!!!!
That is why the run time is ONLY Approx. 45 Minutes
If you put your hand in front of it you would get burned.

LED lights are the only way to go.
They make tiny heat = all power goes to making light only.
I use the same battery - it is a 12V 7Ah sealed lead acid battery -
to run 3 LED lights in the front and 3 LED lights in the rear.
I typically get over 24 hours of continuous run time!!!!!!
For me that means I recharge the battery once a week in winter and once in 2 weeks in summer!
One solution would be to just buy that same 12volt 7ah battery and run LED lights.
Just the battery costs about $20 at Illinois Battery Specialists on Irving.
You can get cheap 12volt based LED lights and a 12v trickle charger at auto stores.
I found that bike shops rip you off for lights.

I hope this steers you in the right direction.
May all your road be bright.
wow. now all I need is a hub generator to provide the battery with a continuous charge like Sheldon Brown did with his Sturmey Archer front hub.... COOOL BEANS!!!

rik said:
Frank - Duppie?
here are some pics
battery view - notice the wall light switch I salvaged from the trash.

front view

rear view

Duppie said:
I'm interested to see your setup. You have any pics to share? Frank
rik said:
Matt M

That thing is based on obsolete technology. It uses quartz-halogen lamps. These bulbs make more heat than light!!!!!!!
That is why the run time is ONLY Approx. 45 Minutes
If you put your hand in front of it you would get burned.

LED lights are the only way to go.
They make tiny heat = all power goes to making light only.
I use the same battery - it is a 12V 7Ah sealed lead acid battery -
to run 3 LED lights in the front and 3 LED lights in the rear.
I typically get over 24 hours of continuous run time!!!!!!
For me that means I recharge the battery once a week in winter and once in 2 weeks in summer!
One solution would be to just buy that same 12volt 7ah battery and run LED lights.
Just the battery costs about $20 at Illinois Battery Specialists on Irving.
You can get cheap 12volt based LED lights and a 12v trickle charger at auto stores.
I found that bike shops rip you off for lights.

I hope this steers you in the right direction.
May all your road be bright.


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