As if we needed another reason to sell our cars and stay off the highways.... A crazy gambling road game is springing up in Bulgaria and some eastern European countries: Road Roulette.

Played mostly at night, SUV drivers collect large bets though an on-line website, a time and place is texted to onlookers, and then the driver attempts to barrel across a busy highway at a blind intersection, against the light, without getting killed...or killing anyone else. The speed of the SUV must be over 50mph and the brake lights cannot flash at any point to complete a valid "run" and collect the bets.

Apparently this game has become so commonplace that some worried drivers are now stopping even at green lights and looking both ways just to make sure they won't get T-boned. I hope this game doesn't catch on with thrill-seeking Americans...but I'm glad I don't drive anyway.

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It kinda sounds like fun if your down for that type of stuff. How about we use our bikes and play it in rush hour downtown. I'll put up the first $10 prize money. First contestant is that 'spitter' that no one wants to confirm off my photo array for me.
Sounds a bit risky. I know for a fact that things like this happened on roads here in america. Maybe not with SUV's and websites(kind of), but it happens. Running reds(form of chicken), other forms of chicken, races, riding without lights in the middle of the night or trying to escape police cars. yeah :-/
Must be a slow day on the interwebs, huh?
Do you have plans to visit Bulgaria and bike there?
how is it safer to bike if this were real?
I think THIS is a relevant question.

XV said:
how is it safer to bike if this were real?
I blow stop signs when I'm driving in the country at night. No streetlights, right? So I'm coming up on a stop sign, and I quick turn my lights off. If there are no other lights illuminating the area, there are no other cars. Turn lights back on, carry on without stopping.

I know, awful idea. Oh well.
Oh Jess! What if the other guy has the same plan! You have to live long enough for us to hang out!
I was going to ask the same thing. I was really hoping the link would lead me to The Onion or something... :-/

XV said:
how is it safer to bike if this were real?
I do :-)

Duppie said:
Must be a slow day on the interwebs, huh?
Do you have plans to visit Bulgaria and bike there?
I think people are already playing without knowing it via drunkenness, texting, and just plain negligence. Anyways, don't some bikers make a habit of this practice?
Hopefully fate doesn't have you meet a similar driver at a dark country intersection. Maybe least fair for the animals that don't have headlights?

Jessica said:
I blow stop signs when I'm driving in the country at night. No streetlights, right? So I'm coming up on a stop sign, and I quick turn my lights off. If there are no other lights illuminating the area, there are no other cars. Turn lights back on, carry on without stopping.

I know, awful idea. Oh well.
The animals will run out anyways. Deer are the champions of inopportune timing. lol

I hope no one has the same idea... I guess we'll see. =) Like I said, it's pretty well night time. Like midnight or later. And in the 'holyshitimgunnadie', deliverance boonies. Read: Lowell.

GABE WTF WHY HAVEN'T WE HUNG OUT YET?! *le sigh* Stupid school. *kicks*


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