While riding today in the heavy rain (and being totally prepared) I thought about a couple of individuals who have given me invaluable tips, advice and general knowledge on biking and commuting.

Do you have anyone you'd like to thank?

I'd like to start by thanking everyone's favorite marauder, Mr. Martin Hazard. Marauding is only one of Martin's specialties. As well as a leader of many creative rides, he is an wonderful teacher. Any of you who have either taken one of his classes at West Town or dropped by Performance for advice on anything bike related will agree. He's a great resource and a super friendly guy who simply loves helping people.

Second person I'd like to thank, also related to West Town, is its founder Alex Wilson. He also has a knack for explaining complicated bike jargon in simple "laymen" terms. His passion for expanding the community of biking to children and lower income and minority groups is amazing.

I'm sure I have other biking teachers to thank, but these two have helped shape me into the biker and commuter I am (and hope to become).

Enough warm fuzzies from me….

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The dude who put up this site has probably saved lives and I would happily stand him something stronger than an apple.
WILLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is an inspiration, all the work she does for the bike community is invaluable.
Kevin Womack at Boulevard Bikes deserves an apple. He always has a handy tip, and most likely it will save you some dough. I've learned a lot of helpful little tips from him over the years, and even though he sells bikes and bike stuff for a living, he will give an honest assessment of a bike's/product's strengths and weaknesses.
Jane Healy deserves an apple. She's been so helpful to people trying to learn their way around the southland, ride with kids, and in general. Jane - you rock!
Robbie and Baily from Rapid Transit.

Why ? because they are very cool and very good wrenches ...
i would like to thank your ass as well..and Martin as well...cause i think he maybe be able to out drink me and still ride a bike. maybe.

Ammo said:
I better be your next favorite marauder and why?

I have a killer ass.

All jokes aside, martin is great. He's definitely helped me a lot.
I'd also like to thank pj for noticing my crappy brake and coming over to fix it. I love how other cyclists help each other in this city.
Many thanks to you and Willow for taking charge of the fleece production this season. And thanks to Mr. Bike, Michael Burton, John Edel, Eric Anderson, TC O'Rourke and Gareth Newfield for being my winter biking mentors back in the day!
I'm eating an apple...
just sayin

Lindsay E. Stout said:
I'm eating an apple...
just sayin
Any bike mechanic that has taken the time to explain and guide me through fixes and builds without so much as an ounce of attitude or pretentiousness.

Natalie said:
Kevin Womack at Boulevard Bikes deserves an apple. He always has a handy tip, and most likely it will save you some dough. I've learned a lot of helpful little tips from him over the years, and even though he sells bikes and bike stuff for a living, he will give an honest assessment of a bike's/product's strengths and weaknesses.


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