After I completed my thesis in April I gave myself two goals to accomplish by Dec 31st.

1) 4,000 miles
2) Squat 225lbs - 6 reps

Instead of rockin' critical mass, I rocked #2 yesterday (and in the process almost went #2 :P ). The best part was when the big sweaty muscle dude (the guy that starts out benching 300lbs) came up to me and told me that he was "Hella impressed."

Anyways . . . .

Anyone else accomplish some goals lately?

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Well, I'm getting close to a goal I set at the beginning of the summer. I wanted to do 3.500 miles by the end of the year. I started in April, and I'm at right around 2.900 right now, so I think it's definitely within my reach. I'm just about to cap off my highest mileage month for the summer at somewhere between 600-700 miles depending what I get in Sunday-Tuesday.
I do want to stop my social smoking.
I went back to school though, thats definitely a goal I've been wanting to make.
I want to bike this winter too, it will be my first.
Rock on Elle.

The key to quitting smoking is replacing the addiction with another addiction. In undergrad I somehow managed to get myself up to 2-2.5 packs a day. I quit by replacing the addiction with working out and photography. I replaced my photography addiction with bike riding. I have no real vices now. Life is ok. I'm just poor and ride a lot.

Incidentally, each addiction cost more than the last. You should consider this. :)

Rock on! (Ammo too!)

elle said:
On Wednesday it will have been 2 months since I stopped smoking. That's a goal I haven't reached yet, but I will make it!

And good luck to all of you doing the 100 today. My knee isn't up for a full century...yet...
i smoked for about 7-8 years but quit december 26th 2007. it was the easiest thing i ever did. the way i stop doing things is convince myself that i really hate it. that always works cuz if i hate it then why would i want to do it. right? i have a very non addictive personality...
likewise, I tell myself everyday that I absolutely love waking up to a 14 hour shift of undergraduate mind labor; I have yet to convince myself, but it's getting me through the day.

as for fooling your judgment, I believe we have more control over our perceptions than we perceive...

Chris said:
i smoked for about 7-8 years but quit december 26th 2007. it was the easiest thing i ever did. the way i stop doing things is convince myself that i really hate it. that always works cuz if i hate it then why would i want to do it. right? i have a very non addictive personality...
i need to quit smoking. i started up again right before i moved to chicago. i had quit smoking for like two years! ah. i could kick myself.
My goal is to take a 1000 photos of people raising their bikes over their head. The pose is commonly known as the "bike salute" or as they calle it here in town "Chicago holdup". Right now I am 27.9% done and the project is on hold until I'll be back in town next week.

Here is a link to the photos I took so far.

My other goal is to ride to Milwaukee.
Ammo, I share your winter bike goal. it'll be hard, but quite an accomplishment if we can do it.

It seems that when people hear about biking at all in winter, you get looked at like you have 4 heads...I can't wait for that look.

Ammo said:
I want to bike this winter too, it will be my first.
i impressed myself by quitting coffee, tho that was never really a goal.
After working on my bike every awful, wintry mix day last winter, I decided I was going to do a triathlon. I did it and finished in the top third. That shit is exhausting!

I haven't had a cigarette since Monday. Grumble.

Riding to Milwaukee in Spring.
Wow. That ROCKS!!! Congratulations on all counts.
Is this trip already planned, 'cause I want in on it.


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