Lately I have seen a lot of posts that seem to indicate that there is less than a reasonable understanding of Chicago municipal bike laws. Here is the url,
It helps to be informed so you know your rights and duties. Please show some civic pride and check it out.

Comments about these laws are encouraged. I am sure many of you already are well informed, but for those of you that are not I think this post is pertinent.

By the way, save your wise ass remarks for when you are at the bar, water-cooler, or other hangouts when looking cool in front of your buddies is acceptable. I would like to see this one stay fairly intellectual in nature if you would all be so kind.

If you have problems interpreting these statutes ask for clarification as there are many people on this site that will be happy to make more clear the letter of the law.

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How much does it cost to register a Bicycle? I wonder how many people actually do that.
I seem to be disobeying the law daily...
Thanks for sharing this. It's something every bike rider should read.
if the chicago police really needed to make some money, all they'd have to do would be go out there and ticket virtually every cyclist they see for something or other--including me, at times. interesting read, matt. for instance, i did not know that the head lamp that i have on my bike already was REQUIRED to be there.
70 bucks, apparently.

Davo said:
How much does it cost to register a Bicycle? I wonder how many people actually do that.
I should be back in prison too.

Juan Dominguez said:
I seem to be disobeying the law daily...
Davo said:
How much does it cost to register a Bicycle?

Actually, you can register you bicycle in Chicago, online, for free, at the following site:

I've registered all my bikes there, if for no other reason than to ensure that there's a record should one get stolen.
Good idea to post this. I am a bicycle accident attorney and I write a blog that focuses on bicycling and the law. Check it out here: My contact information is on the blog. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
how about hourly ?

Juan Dominguez said:
I seem to be disobeying the law daily...
Thanks Mattbikes1:

I printed full-color pamphlets on my first Maurader ride this Saturday night and
distributed two each to everyone along for the ride (two in case of any rule discrepancies--one booklet was a 12-page laminate that was 'converted' into spoke cards, the other a paper pocket-folder). They were well received and quite useful--everyone consulting their booklets to sychronize our right hand turn signals was simply to die for.

Happy Salmon-ing!!
9-120-010 Definition - Permalink

The word "bicycle" as used in this chapter means every vehicle propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having at least two tandem wheels either of which is 20 inches or over in diameter.

then what do we make of those folding "bikes" with 16" wheels. or smaller.
I would imagine that the authors will argue the human propulsion requirement of the folding bike, while discounting the fact that the wheels don't meet the 20 inch diameter requirement. That would be my guess, however, the way the letter of the law is stated, it certainly leaves some room for interpretation. You could be a lawyer with that kind of attention to detail about the way the law was written. My guess is also that the authors of the law have a narrow scope of the types of bicycles that are in current existence.

Marc-Paul Lee said:
9-120-010 Definition - Permalink

The word "bicycle" as used in this chapter means every vehicle propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having at least two tandem wheels either of which is 20 inches or over in diameter.

then what do we make of those folding "bikes" with 16" wheels. or smaller.


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