I went on a riverboat cruise on the Rhine River (brag alert). On our day in Strassburg, I took a guided tour on a bike. The guide said he was going to be in Chicago in October and I would like to take him on a twenty mile ride through Chicago. Right now, I am thinking the 606, Wrigley Field (Alta Vista Avenue), Lakefront Trail, to the Chicago Fire Academy (DeKoven Street, where the Chicago Fire started. Lunch at Manny's or White Palace. Can you think of other sites to see. Is it possible to semi-safe way to get to Daley Plaza to see the Picasso?

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Dearborn runs along the east side of Daley Plaza.  Just get to Dearborn from anywhere and take the bike lane to Daley Plaza.

This is so cool! (that's really nice of you too, clp with a bike loaner so no Divvy would be nice for anyone)
Get by Buckingham Fountain if it isn't shut down yet which is usually mid-October so that might be in the middle of the visit, but that whole area around Millennium Park is worth a loop. This probably won't work, but my favorite ride in the fall is the trail out by the Cal Sag Channel in the Alsip area. That's my favorite fall ride. If you can Alan, cross over the bridge over Lake Shore Drive at North, or, peel off by Fullerton or Diversey to get through the Zoo area, North Pond and all of that too during the Lakefront Trail ride. That's always beautiful in the fall too.

Thanx for the suggestion. I'll let you know. Right now I'm trying to get my ass callous again, for another riding season.


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