
Enter the Lumos Matrix, a $250 urban “smart helmet” with a customizable 7x11 dot matrix display that ostensibly keeps you safe by “lighting up on your head, the highest and generally most visible spot on your body.” The Matrix has turn signals, brake lights, and a display you can program to broadcast customized messages (such as, “Please don’t kill me”). 

The Lumos Matrix, however, is truly dystopian—not because it’s inherently malevolent, but because it’s a potent symbol of just how completely we’ve surrendered to motor vehicles. That so many people, from the designers to the retailers to the customers, seem to think it’s perfectly reasonable to ride a bicycle in the city while wearing a scrolling message board on your head is profoundly depressing.

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It doesn't take much for a cyclist to be visible at night.  A small red taillight and a white headlight are sufficient - for drivers who are watching the road.  Flashing lights, this crazy helmet, etc. are unfortunately becoming necessary because drivers are usually looking at phones, and the only way to get their attention is with ridiculously bright/flashing lights in their peripheral vision.  It certainly is profoundly depressing.

My wife saw one today near the Merchandise Mart on her way home!  From her account of it, it was the more modern iteration such as found in the link rather than the version in my link here.  It had a green "up" arrow in the back, that was very easy to see she said, and did the turn-signal thing when he turned.  She had a pretty positive take on it.  

Here's some background on Jennifer, Todd and Melissa who took a liking to the product,  and Eu-wen and Jeff Chen as well for creating it.  (see link below)   This was probably one of the earlier iterations.


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